

ーー 上| 炎の委内ポスターを謎み、 下記の設問に答えよ。(本25) BLARNEY STONE FARw Tiek yonr owa vegetables at Blarney Stone rarm semson May thmugh September Heve you ver experienced the ftn and joy of melecting and eatng your own daheons Yegntables and fuite? Eneompaseing 15 acres cf wondertul prietne countowide an Jpet a stoneis throw ftomm the dty center。 you can work and rewand you and or family with the taste qF aome of the Blarmey Stone Farms award wining cops We guarantee you wi have an nnforgettable Gme. that yo can learn ah abont fom our dediated rem yhere omg chmdmen can spend tme with rar nana Amy tmp to ar 上 fm and sample or the detions iee 6 nowl T you have been here behore。 arawberry Relds we hawe added nor want o mis tn taee
"> flds are cRen cn uneven ground so gmests should areas appropritety。 We Tommend avoidtng cpen toe shoes cf any kind. The Belds also have hde ahetter go PPloGk and water are esential During the mummmer。thers are s large smount or ingecta present。 so appropiate measures shouia be taken to powide protecdonn Pieese be smare that besm boarsu and wHG dogs inhabit the surrounding monntaine Additional fnformation for viaitors We re open dmily 10 am.- 5 pm during the barwest season dependent on weather amd crops. Plemse ca 13-444OOCx or check omr wehaite fr the most cptodate jpiprmation reganding which crops are available befre planning your tip (1) 下線部 mingrs と支懇を変えずに重きかえられる最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選 びその番号をマーク\ょ。| 6 | 0 gieren 9 ems @ ps @ feds (2) 本文の内春に合うまうにの 1 ) 一 3) の問いの答えとして最も適切なものを下記の中 からそれぞれ1つ選び。その番号をマークモよ。 1) What is the esspsee[ 7 | ⑩ Toappeml at = oel farms food and dairy store @ m 人eir emmeer and become farmers rm yh people en hamest fmite ama as fit pickem st sloal Rm 本


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adults must be responsible for all minors while on our property



