

人 Have you ever read the picture book 5mwzy2 Swimmy and the other httle sh get together and pretend to be one big fsh. By doing so, they are able to drive away (追い払う) a big enemy fish. This story shows why many animals, fish, birds and insects (昆虫) gather together in nature. By acting together, they protect themselves from enemies, find food, and raise (育て2 children. PTher inteligent behavior (賢い行動) as a group enables them to survive in the real world, as Swimmy and bis fellow fish do in the picture book. Scientists think that the study ofwhat they call 'collective intelligence"(集国としての知 can be helpful to us humans. collective intelligence ofants. They watched ants mislowing down. Among the swarm (群れ) of ment out for food and came back. mark the path with a chemical called ants simply follow the signals on the am6lswarm as a wholeis! The scientis 記語n give us a hint for solvyins our
traffic jams on city streets and highways. The idea ofcollective inteligence is also nseful in making computer animation more realistic」 (Craig Reynolds a computer graphics expert wanted to 1earn more about how pigeons (ハト) swarm. (群れる) He watched flocks ofpigeons (ハトの群れ) fy around and come to rest on the window shelves ofbuildngs When something surprises them, the pigeons fy away in synchronized fight (一斉に) Tike ants, they dont have aleader Tnstead, they pay attention to the other birds in the fock and simply follow ther behavior. Craig found that pigeons fly away together, in the same direction, but without hitting one another. This fact helped him create a simple computer simulation ofpigeons fight. As humans, we also have our own collective intelligcnce. We share ideas and get feedback from others in order to learn new things or make good decisions. The Internet is a good e ea Search engines and SNS, or social networking services tamicate with people all over the world easily i reliable. However, by sharins ides、 Just remember that Swimmy and his their swarm intelligence.


