

セ 2020

5文章の左にある(])、 lm人/まが なお, 交 に答えよ< っ(A・B)に のを読み 軸 奄点 39 入間gののをし ⑥Mはパラ ey roads running throuai eartob mA res im dfferent pco に le have created vario 9 さ 才 and their uSe Lansport things. and sem and safeb。 Throughow rms Of m 、計 避 imperstive for societis 2 id ue st all aroum 7hese now cis le to move Tartes have enabled people hese roufes 記ormaien from one place to amother 9 ickiy jmformati important in our daily Hves. jistopr they have been iy on knd。 They graduay re often fonmed natural Eary routes were 0 oer iong periods of tmme while PeoPIe Pa PC jane turming point in their history arrived when the firs incant turmi led them on foot か jm andient dimes. Once this happened, people Jeeped me importance of welhmaintained routes. Therefore, towms. di and cmiire comtries improved them in order to prosper. As a resull j Became more convenient。 communities greweconomies evolved, and cuitures expanded。 The importance of land routes increased further。 especialjy after the appearance of automobiles。 ) People have estabished routes on water。too. Rivers and canals have erved as effective routes for people to move around and carry things。 For fsrance ji the od japanese city of Edo, water routes were used for the Transporration of agricultural products, seafood, and wood. which supported Te GyS lfe and economy People have also opened routes across the sea. The seaways, which developed based on winds。 waves Yater depths、 am Cestine geography, were "for the nawigation of ships。 particularly im miy by wind power Tel could hanel great dtanes and go tb places The days when they moved mai Using these sea routes Ca routes emerged, leadimg to te exchange of natural Sources, products ang ideas. Th i adi y。 ThiS in tum、helpea on の
ommf 9 相 9HHFH Rm AD13DO ED jo inodsord ueouU8IS pawd aAeu Sen0寺 noneuOJmI DUE note Rerms UNA S31 寺和3 :sanIm PU nw mmmdoeA9p SAH salor mudoleAap 9 01 9SIP TH smonoos Santo J0O auo3 SA 3S2HL TH上H gm dos 39 JmsuoA0m SH Ano ou PSJH ao dosd nosd 34VH 29 時 ol sV Ssuuo3 oy Snor 99q AOH -Seormnuntd0う Snor St Jo 38eugApe SPA aidOad a』Our Pu me uoneutomt She8 onoats sr 0) SSa2oP 2A9H om saouenpe Golomos) SV Appo1 no: っ nonemndod idoB St Jo JP JodP SL MD Sdoad nom 6 mPdB 340m ・cpms smo o BmpiooV "Sou0 3 IP Idood J0 SRI っ5e[ 01 Sa8eSSanl os Aumwmt olp gmo AML "OnPoHuntutuo9 935}o39け DUE sood oi Amwu wtte st sou0 JAN uOHeUoJul QiPO AISo GPO sidoad mo SONptiOA sm 3umsn Aa ToneudOjut Jo a8neuoxo OHO339IS 3MH で sazmpiosdS DA auoiuT 33 "SInor JO adA] ou p aAd 4 "AO -SsautsnG 3utOD Due *SpuauJ 3uhisiA 'nioaSntH5IS 10j DO 303 POQo1e [Ai Aou aldosd Jo 19quunu Jeai8 e *saJnor AIS 2S9HH jo honnisitdeiso au o1 30AO ouidHt Aq ep auls g ul moud uoっ TA dB Aauh Appo1 Sou *GS Kq uede[ tuonr adonT 0J [SAer) 01 HO no net oo Pat o posn aldood ae』 ut oumn jo 3umonre rtems 1001 Aluo saaueysmp JseA 9 中 N SIp 1SwA 3uNo3 pu *QTS ath ut 3m AIqeiiounoo pne AforeS BA os Ion IA 1 atqe uvooq odood .Ailenuon Siuarmo ate pue spuuau se 中 Pu0y me Due spul ns suoniPu03 3uuapisuoo < Nm Q Sammor soq auh punoj sr ・Ahses saoupsmp Ag の stdoad ioj atssod 1 NR ) 3NGMSSo Ni apeuu sae somnor sam oneidme SA so SA se Sa 1 t 人IS atG mi sannor usdo ox uo snog sen aidd 上 eu sldoad
周4 [49 ] 正解は⑪ 「第)段は. 経路について. 私たちに何を語っているか」 第⑤肥はインターネッ トについて述べており, 第1文 (Today, we have …) にあ のM に これは情報の交換に特化したものである。 情報は, 車や船, 飛行機。ま たそれが運ぶ人や物品のような目に見えるものと は異なり, 形がない。形のない情 報を運ぶ目に見えない経路がインターネッ トなのだから, () 「さまざまな経路が. 目に見えない形で世界に存在していると考えることができる」 が正解。 ⑲「情報を移動させるさまざまな経路は. 危険だたとみなすことができる」 ⑳「さまざまをな経路の根本的な機能が低下している」 ⑳ 「種類の異なるさまざまな経路の重要性は同じである」


