

次の支間を鞍んで, 以下の間に答えなさい。 Asked 6o name the greatest inventiomリ&ince ja09/rsdo Le recenuy oledin overwieiming JumbersyO4 odrepsietors-orでom mee dme iock hnのya の 3 ) ( L Thc Bamboo Bike Studio_offers a variety of doityourselrwithrhelp choicesy jncluding single speeds seyen speeds, tourng bikes and rod Dikes. None js made completey (of vegeable mattep Wheelghandksbarshainsy and Other jareyheye the same metql components 6s regular bikes Ts mt that theyie based/on a fabulouslookingl and hardy frametthat happens to have been made at of fastgrowing grassi | he studio recently helped start s factoy in Ghana ^win the goal of providing the lowest cost and highest value bicycles to people who want them most" Bamboo grows Hike a weed in Ghana, so theres no shortage of base material Orher components are sourced from China。 The new selFsustaining rs local workers, who are now turning out what the studio says are の時6 ( (
(画 ) 以Fの正商ADは. とれぞれ本文中の空剛( 1 )-( 4 )のどこに 入れるのが最もふさわしいか。 それぞれ1つ選び, その番号を解容にマー クしなさい< 1 AA Ahdoeh t sounde lke aol cmgan* wogd riae itcr rigging 、・。cmr ren um delst At bamboo frames mr oy cup] ime pc daracteristcs 6f te 7 mgcan hande dky人areets/eobbleeteee nadtrt roade [Bambob ao saidto have s erengththat rhals Se jpD Amd why no The simple/ alforda5放 amd dean mode f personal gt mn to amaportatioy puts distances within reachl (of anyon na cdab The basic deeign isao good SRI aucn the same today hen fst derelopeU50 years agoJ riat doesnt mean iu amyone can put a bicycle tgether Or te (C) Perhaps most surprising js the inspired choice materials If the jkcycle is one 6f the most useful and clegant inventioms ve haveyit WAS paraps Ra matter or time before oe hougn0(to combine 6 Git one cf the most useful and dleganl plantwe knoW D Ce 大 Brookiyn and San Francfscothat aim10 convince you)the best bike Bamboo Bike Studio 1 aeSigD and developmentcompany based youm ger rt s he oe yol mke )Ourse To that ed/the ho 9 orkshops and sel kits to take beginners (rom zero(to finished objecWYGf aesthetic and fumctional beeuby : ggS cg2(『ギリガン君 SOS!, 米国のテレ ピコメ ディー(1964-67)の主人公で, 何をやっても無能な船員。ドラマは中 難して太平洋の孤島に漂着 に漂着した 7 人の男女が島を EOID2グ1 の 脱出しようとしてひ 7 up : その場しのぎに作る cobblestom 道路人装用の石 AMo462-59 ae


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