

人 ぁ んとああ所人お人 Ao.詳 tet ue 二 な owner / coffeo hop / ja/ whose) my fmthera fmend。 Now 1 wi teN sem Soue Prede uevo era cro ey count meke erouer mnews放 rs cied to meke thinge ie eee ni anicals. And wome計 orked on "6 y rom We jo otney used more *che me children didnt get mone much money: aue。 hey wwnted to ge warkers on their farme were chi ray ikdien coelant eo 0o 9380 08 YYork on farme nm pairtrsde atarted、Some people began te Boy mg nigner "prices。 People maney than people wio nt im it Te me ・brovghe Liee NNE or bemicals. They ope were bu yho joined Fairtrade got more pour some good changes。 Farm ownert stopPed ー] New schools for childre put in Japan、 there gave more money to the workere て many people sroand the worid are intereeted in Firtrede makeemerey md dont choowe oowe Fairtrade s are few people who know about Fairtrade. apay other coTeeuit wil be "chenper But ifwed around te word Liunk eat Fairtrade coffee am amee it will help many workers and many Childre 。r us should Jearn about Fairtrade and start di something we can do the 1960s : 1960年代 。 atthattime aeは par地域 jming abont ご:ーをもたらす cheap : 笑い price : 価格 個 wwner:震営者 :べかえなさい< farm :諾場 chemical:農薬 やの( )内の語句を意味が通るように 人*にとって, どのような問題ですか> 問1 日本協で説明しなきい< 問2 珠部②は, 農場で働く ( 骨3 ③ に着する文をアーエから 1つ選びなきいゃ ア Farm owners began to use more children. イ Some shops began to sell cheaper coffee. ッ Children didnt havetowork. エ More chemicals were 14 下線部①が指す内容を日本語で草きなさい。 used on the farms ( |5 下線部を日本文になおしなさい。 pt (
英語 長文 読解 長文読解

