

5 Ne つこ人ひご)5 せ they change the players ( 5 DBE の )a 5 Of winning the match. (学習院大) | こっ寺識 ワ ) ュ M る they mighthave @④ wi 2) ( ) the Christmas Shopping season begins. ーー (際大) り That is after Thanksgivin ー g ② After Th iving it i = る③ m is after Thanksgiying that ④ Itis が 3) (還う詞認DLIG building when the fre broke out. 0 -_。 細 と (関本外国語大) M 3 Thad left ② Harqly haveIleft 375/のたるんと ? Hardjy hadIleft ⑨ HardlyIleft ンクとの (4) Mary sa Speedy ypist ( 』ク )anaccurateone (和知学院大) ① otherwise AN @ itnot ⑧ for example .、 ④ asit Were ⑤ 4 Tdont like cats。 gz22が( ) ). (ES200 (桃山学院大) ー 生還還較 ① Ialso do ② Neither do 【 ⑧ Idont too ④ So dontI 6) ( ケ ) high school than he went to China in order to study Chinese. (東北学院大) も ① He had no sooner graduated ② No sooner graduating と 還 ③ No sooner he graduated ④ No sooner had he graduated from (2 It was ( / ) we found the nice antique silver spoonS. (立命館大) の 4 ① in Londonthat ②③ whatinLondon ③ Londoninwhere ③④ inLondon which (⑱) There's little hope,( と ), that our washing machine will be repaired by Monday, のについては ④ 潤any ② if ever ⑧③ if not ④ it only (東京工科大) (9 (( う ) is it that visitors from overseas Want to see 吉 this country? (疾協大) ④ How ② Why 9AD20 0 (0 ITwas surprised at the news ( ゲ ) she had suddenly gotten mariied (入学周知人) ① of ② what ⑧ that ④ which 2


