

・ 次の英文 ケンKKen)が10歳のときに出会った -れを読んで. あとの問いに等えなさい。 ウフ(Nick)について書かれたものです。 hen was ten.Tsaw Nick for the first ime。 m apark he was 。(中 mr he was o( treow ) abal ) o he wall alone。 He "noticed Tlooked at him。 Then he ame o me and 。(sa something (yhat/ said /1/ understand / he / couldnt ).butTknev he wantea ame aned jo 7play catch with me。 So Tsaid *OKT to him We became friends soon。 He was good at playing basebalL so he tanght me how toplay it Wedidmttalk to each other but we 。( understand ) wel One day. T found his glove and ( ) on the bench in the park LaterT knew itwas a letter from him and it said he had to go back to he US。 Thaventmet jim since then. 。 。The glove is too small for me now. but IsGll haveit ICsmy'treasure。 NowI e baseball much harder。 Someday 1 want to see Nick an play it together prac ag2in. (3) fnotice 気づく4 play catch キャフチポーををする Jireasure 本物 ④の( )内の語を, それぞれ英する形に書きかえなさい。 (!) 下線部①② AM )電の @( () 下張部が「私は彼が何と言ったのかわかりませんでした| という者味になるよう。【 内の語を並べかえなさい。 (3 ⑧の( )に適する語句を1つ選び, 号で答えなさい。 ア abat イ asheet of paper ウ some balls ( (9) 下線部⑨の英文を日本語になおして書きなさい<。 (9) 次の問いに対する答えを英語で書きなさい。 Whar's Ken's treasure? 一 うり (9) 本文の内容に合うものを 1 つ選び, 記号で告えなさい< ア Ken and Nick were in the same baseball team. イ Nick taught baseball to Ken because Nick coulG ウ Ken and Nick talked a lot and understood each other. play itwell


