

人 じてください. \て行ったスピーチの原稿が 新聞に戦りま 1 教科書 | Ra昌が、自分の国インドの言葉に mdis。 Miy CowmWYツy 6) (僕の福国、インド) 3 | Aaasfe. Its one Way to S9Y hello or goodbye In India 1 2 mndia is located in South Asia. ①⑪More than one billion people liy 3 ? inlndia. ②They speak many langua9eS. Ispeakthree ofthem # 4 Marathi Hindi and English. ij 5 Marathiismy first language. Itis 3 | ④!L usually speak tt with my family at home. 7 Many stories are ⑤( write ) im Marathi.1enjoy reading the 1also speak Hindi. Do you know any Hindi words ? Of course you do. "Bandanna'and 'shampoo'are from Hindi. Hindiis the 379| major language of India. 1 speak it at school. 7 Ispeak English, too. Long ago,⑥English was not spoken in India 2| Then the British came・ India was ruled by them from the 1600s to the mid:1900s, Many people needed to learn English. Later Te 昌4| British left but their language remained. 5 jj Now English is used across the country. トレ | In my case,Iuse it to talk with friends from other places. MSA a lot from each of my languages: Marathi, | indi and English. Now Iam learning Japanese All of them are special to me. 4/79g7o. ⑧(use ) in western Indl は Did you read today's newspaper(新聞) Paul ? 5 : Yes,1 did. Ifound Raj's speech on it. 由 本 Me too.!tnink he loves his own country very much: 127 to talk ena II 3 SA 貞 6 Who is Mahatma II Mi の : aul : H 6 2 了 Was a of independencema立) of India. Sgos 0 ruled by the British, he thought 1 orlndia。 He Wanted to get back-をmりの India. So he fou H39| Kumi: 9ht(tght - 3 洋Kum fought? pamdahaveawavess 27| Paul : No, no.M .Mahatma Gandhi thought Non-violence(#明の ーー本
1 was the best way to get back(り記す) India. 謙上Kumi: Gandhi was a really great leaderu-ヶっ, 1 Paul ii Yes, he was a really great leader of India. ! So he was ⑨( call ) "Father of India." 問(文中の①の英文の内容と同じ内容になるように、次の英文の 適語を 1 語ずつ記入しなさい。 = _ more than one billion people in India. 問2 文中の②の英文の内容と同じ内容になるように、次の英文の 周 出だしの単語に続けて英文を作りなさい Many languages_clre_いASG 財 in India.… 問3. 文中の③(Use) を適切な形に変えなさい。 SC 問4 文中の④の英文とほぼ同じ内容になるように、次の英文の 。 に 適語を 1 語ずつ記入しなさい。 Iusually speak it _ Italk with my family at home. 問5 。 文中の⑤ (write) を適切な形に変えなさい。 Wen 問 6 文中の⑥の英文の内容とほぼ同じ内容になるように、次の英文の。 に 適語を 1 語ずつ記入しなさい。 People English in India. 問7、文中の⑦( )に入れるのにもっとも適したものを次から選びなさい。 (that it me so too ) Ss 問8. 文中の⑧( )に入れるのにもっとも適したものを次から選びなさい。 ( which where that what when ) en 問9 文中の⑨(call) を適切な形に変えなさい。 ealled 問1 0. 次の質問に、 ー _ の語数の英語で答えなさい、。 1. Where does Raj speak Marathi ? 2. Do many people in India speak Enqlish ? ーーーーーウ


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

問4 when
問6 wasn't spoken
問10 1 He speaks it at home
2 Yes they do



There are だと思います


