

56 UNIT-9 で, の問いに秋えなきいゃ 天の文章を読ん 1 @ 1 found Mo thirty minutes earlie、 』took my dog Kuro for 8 e of my classmates, Masao kfast Ileft home f After brea 和 3 than usual. 。On my way to PR 59 He said to me. *You are VerY early today, に ara my homework before school begins"! answered。 のーーーーーー ーー "he Sa1d. your answers?" “All right- Lets run to school School began at eight twenty- We had four C 1 two in the afternoon today. After school We di 二 srudents cleaned the rooms. SOme gaVe food to the birds. paseball with my friends for two hours. got home at six oclock. My father, mother and my brother Hiroshi were talking in the jiving room. Hiroshi 1ooked very happy. "1 became a regular member of the basketball team today。 he said. Mother said to 」 岳m, のFather was a good basketball player When he Was Young. You wi be a good player like him." Father looked at us with a smile. We ate sy for dinner. After dinner 1 studied math and read an snglish book. 】 went to bed at eleven. ]asses in the morning and d a few things. Some 1 enjoyed UNr-? 磁 ロ) 下線都Q⑪の内容を次のように表すとすれば * 語を答えなさい。 When!( (。) にとんな語を補えばよいか。季も運名を が ) to school、 1 say one of my classmates,、 Masao. (2) 次の文がそれぞれ下線部②③とほほ同じ内容 時WP になるように、( ) に入る載も適当な語を省 ロ@ = ( ) show me your answers. ロ③ = Father ( ) basketball ( ) when he was young. (3) 本文の内容に合うように、 次の質問に対する徐えの文を完しなさい。 ロ① What did Taro do before breakfast today? He ( ) ( ) ( ) ( DB )( ) ロ② What was Taro going to do before school began? He was going to ( 8 )( 0 ロ③ What tme does Taro usually leave tor school? He leaves ( ) ( ) ( ) ロ④ What did Taro do after school today? He ( ) ( ) with his friends. 口(4) 本文の内容に合うように・ 次の質問に日本語で答えなさい。 Why did Hiroshi look happy when Taro came home? ( (5) 本文中の表現を参考にして, 炊の日本文を英文に直しなさい< ロQ① 私は太郎より 2歳年上です Jaw 札9. Ve. _ Ve.導 ロ@ 玉郎は図書館へ行く途中で, 生子 (Keiko) に会った。 7e. wet kerko 91Ne.k: ロ③ 私は毎日. 寝る前に本を読みます。 1 ed_a_bek-.

