

や心に表したもの 表現すること EXERCISE 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )に適切な語を入れなさい。 (1) (a) Chisato runs fast. (b) Chisato is a ( (2) (a) We are grateful that you accepted our invitation. (b) We are grateful for ( (3) (a) I had no idea that she was sick. (b)I had no idea of ( ) ( (4)(a) They decided to buy a new car. (b) They made the ( pabars ( yed (d) ) of our invitation if bad o W (2) im to basid a 19mm 1 (d) Hoeym rior bag gtiste eri wob Ils110 ) to buy a new car. (5) (a) Kelly was angry because the (b) Kelly was angry about the ( bus arrived late. ) ( ) of the bus. O er drives sa きだ(= get up the coffee sh make a misa 日本語の意味に合うように、[ ]の語句を並べかえて全文を書きなさい。 (1) 彼女の言葉を聞いて, 彼は自分の考え方を変えた。 Her words[change / his way of thinking / him / made ]. (2)彼女は自分のプライドのため、友だちに助けを求めることができなかった。 Hal and ( [ asking / kept / her pride / from / her ] her friends for help. fyebot tiei ysh isdW make a cho (3) 事故のせいで,私たちは時間通りに競技場に到着できなかった。 mold owl juo will [ at / us / arriving / prevented/from/ the accident / the stadium ] on time. (4) その医者の助言のおかげで, 姉は病気から回復することができた。 (d) The doctor's advice [from/ / recover / enabled/to/my sister / her illness 1. (4) [日 TAS LA 3 下線部に注意して、 次の英文を日本語にしなさい。 (強制的に ようにする (1) Let me have a look at that. Part of (2)My grandmother is an early riser. (3) My father allowed me to use his computer. (4) The heavy snow stopped us from going there. (5) His letter said that he would visit us in April. (6) Will this bus take me to the library ?


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

(1) Chisato is a (fast) (runner).
(2) We are grateful for (your) (acceptance) of our invitation. ※acceptance:accept(動詞)の名詞
(3) I had no idea of (her) (sickness). ※sickness:sick(形容詞)の名詞
(4) They made the (decision) to buy a new car. ※make a/the decision to ~ ~する決心をする
(5) Kelly was angry about the (late) (arrival) of the bus. ※late(形容詞) arrival(名詞)
[2] 無生物主語構文
(1) Her words [made him change his way of thinking]. ※make(使役動詞) 人 ~(動詞・原形) 人に~させる
(2) [Her pride kept her from asking] her friends for help.
※keep 人 from ~ing 人に~させないようにする  ask 人 for … 人に…を求める
(3) [The accident prevented us from arriving at the stadium] on time. ※prevent 人 from ~ing 人が~するのを妨げる
(4) The doctor's advice [enabled my sister to recover from her illness].
※enable 人 to ~ 人が~するのを可能にする  recover from … …から回復する





You're welcome!😊
