

英語科 〔文 法〕 1 次の各文の( )に入る最も適当な語(旬) を1つ 選びなさい。 3 I don't want to be a person ( things. mi 7 who says 1 what speaks which talks I whose tells 英語 ) bad They followed the instructions they ( by their homeroom teacher. Both Ken and I ( ) junior high school ア was give 1 were gave ry were given I were giving ad (1) students two years ago. 7 is イ am ウ was I are were ⑤Could you tell me ( ) a ticket? ) My brother is very good at ( baseball. 7 play plays playing I played to play 3 This computer is ( ) than that one. good I expensive ④ I enjoyed ( イ better ウ best important o) movies in my room. 7 where I can get イ where can I get ) how to buying 300 [中京大中京〕 where to buying I (3) Sarah says she can't come () she finishes her homework. 7 when if unless I after 2 I bought two books (1 yudar yesterday. ア write writing ) in English watch I watching b⑤Did your sister ( 7 study I studyed watches watched to watch studys ) science yesterday? studies studied ⑥ I want ( ) your e-mail address. ア know knows knew I knowing * to know ⑦Have you ever ( ) letters in Chinese? ア write writes writing I wrote written ウ wrote I written 3 Please come to the library, Frank. I'll be there between two (w ) three. A7 and 1 for to エ or Hiroshi and his family enjoyed ( ) at Hakuba last weekend. ア ski ウ 1 skiing for skiing I to ski ⑤5 Ben has an aunt ( He goes and stays with her every winter. ア what イ who ) lives in Hawaii. whose I where [ たちばな〕 (4) She is very proud ( ) her bonsai and ⑧ When Lucy () going home on a public bus last Friday, she saw her cousin in Lad the bus. 7 is am ウ are I was * were ⑨Emily is very ( ) because she goes to college from Monday to Friday and works part-time at a bookstore on weekends. 7 short busy I tall * large small [菊華] ) since (2) The number of car accidents ( 1992. 7 decreasing イ are decreased Gloves showing it to visitors. ア with イ of ウ to I in 2 ( ) we go to the movie theater? イ What don't ウ How are I Why don't ア Let 3 The baby was named ( 7 before after I over * since ④Mary has few friends. ( always with a lot of friends. Instead of ウ As for on Where do ) his uncle. to ) John, he is According to エ After all have been decreasing ⑤He has two other children ( I has been decreasing 2 How about ( ) a taxi instead of 7 besides 1 among Even if ) Alan. below walking there? I'm tired. 7 to taking taking I above * beside 6 Take the JR Line to Nagoya, and change ( ) there. ウ to call I calling you -147-
(30 53= 28)= 5+55)=70 Ocm ÷2= 文 法 where w Jus to stude するために bough briel a bar last week -peer I loc desks in the ro Be Doing- 7 stations seats turns school in Aichi. イ who ア which that when All of the teachers here want you ( I taxies オ trains ⑦A few years ago I worked ( ) a taxi the fact. driver. ア know イ ア as イ on ウ such I against at 8 The school provides all its students ( ウ known to know I knew ) to the teacher, we have a test ) today. books. 7 with of to I about on According Going Wanting ) be quiet. I. I'd like can 9 This is a library. You ( may I must not ) a hat, but it was too 6 It was her ( ) birthday yesterday. ア ninth \ nine nineteen I ninety The movie was ( ウ (7 ア make 1 makes making I made ) in 1990. [安城学園 ) free to contact me if there is something I can do for you. think take feel I pay * help イ must won't 10 Maria tried ( big for her. ア to be イ on for エ at * being [名城大附〕 (5) Can you tell me ( the ticket? ) I should go to buy (8) Please ( ア which イ who ウ where I what ban 2 I wish I ( ) as rich as he. ア were ウ will be am エ can be 3 This park is known ( ) its beautiful rose garden. * in 7 by for to I with 3 Our baseball team was so ( ④ Mr. Suzuki is ( ) that we ) to buy such an expensive car. ア weak so rich that ウ richer I rich enough Ev2 These chairs are made (plastic and they are functional. to of for I at so rich ⑤( ) student in my class has a smartphone. 7 All the All of the lost all the games. イ excited good strong full 4 Lucy got a letter ( grandmother in London. ) from her アsend イ sends sending I sent オ to send ra Pace lead me a pencil (7 to w Trending now pier writing wrote w was too such 28 3 swin in the sea yesterday sa (7 and since you must have the wrong aut Nother boy in our class can run test 1 last ster than Tom more fast The doctor was known (7 from that on everyone Se has been sick (7 in 4 om last Tuesday The gif (7 wear wore vering to write a blue com ⑤ I'm planning a trip from July 20 to 25, but I lie (7 talk can't decide ( ウ Every I Both [ 春日丘〕 (6) ①Let us ( 7 do ) the work. doing ) to go. done I to do day what イ when where 2 Which do you like ( 7 better best ), dogs or cats? many I most I which why ⑥Jane has been looking forward ( festival. ア joining イ ) she SO I to joining ③ Masaya ( ) a look at the website. 7 did made saw I took ④She has wanted to visit Kyoto ( 7 before if since I when came to Japan. ) the to talk led about my favorite movie She pled (7 to 1 with the trouble Lis very 7 bored rel dentare istikes again The mperature is getting 7 ang da to join for joining of joining 7 My mother often ( ) me to study 1 tells lets [桜丘] harder. [中部大第一〕 ア says (7) I( 1) to the museum yesterday. I changes takes ア have been 1 went (9) ( ) in New Zealand? would visit I had 7 What can we see animals ② ) you ever seen the school festival? 1 Can we see what animals 7 Do Did Are I Have ③3 I know ( ) this high school is the best What animals can we see -148- I What animals can we be seen [光ヶ丘]
〔英語科〕 [文法〕 1 (1)① オ 2 (3 イ (4) I (5) (2)① (2 イ 3 ア (3)① ウ 2 (4)①イ I (2 エエ 4 ウ (5) ア I 3 ア (4 イ ア ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ エ ⑨イ (5) イ ウ 4 イ ③ (5) ア ⑨⑩イ ⑥ オ⑦ア ⑧ ア ②コ (5)①ウ 2 ア 3 イ ④ I (5 ウ (6)①ア 2 ア エ ③ (4 ウ (7)エ イ (3 エ (2 ウ ④4) イ 5 ア (8)① ウ ア 3 イ (2) (4 H (5 ウ ⑥6 アエ 7 7 エイ ON ウ 30% (9) ウ (10) 1 H (2) イ 3 ( エア ア 6 ウ (7 H 8 ウ エ 10 エ


