
Q&Aな①の問題で質問がありますMany plastics を代名詞に置き換えたいのですが単数の場合は「it」ですが複数の場合はなんでしょうか?また、Googleで検索したり色々な友達に聞いたりしたらthem、they、thereじゃない?と人によってみんな代名詞が違ったのは何故でしょう?原因または使い分けも教えて欲しいです🙇‍♀️

Lesson 10 SDGs ? p. 147For Your Information E Model 1 Setting Students are giving a presentation about microplastics. 本文の太字は、プレゼン テーションの定型表現 マイクロプラスチックについて、生徒たちがプレゼンテーションをしています。 ①Hello, everyone. Today, our group will talk about microplastics. As you know, plastics are very useful. However, many of them end up in the ocean as waste. The waves then break these plastics into particles called "microplastics." Also, microbeads used in health and beauty products come into the ocean. Next, I'll talk about why microplastics are a problem. The main reason is related to the food chain. Birds and fish eat microplastics by mistake. In one study, microplastics were found in 40% of fish caught near Japan. Scientists worry that negative effects on human health might show up someday. 3 Now, I'll talk about actions against microplastics. Many actions are taken at the governmental and non-governmental levels. In the EU, a law bans the use of plastics for some disposable products. In Japan, major companies have already ended the use of microbeads. 4 Let me conclude with what we can do. I recommend the 4Rs: refuse, reduce, reuse, and recycle. For example, bring your own bag when you go shopping. Put plastics in the recycle bin when you throw them away. Your small actions will lead to a big change someday. Q&A 1. Where do many plastics end up?


✨ ベストアンサー ✨


thereはthere is構文で使うので、itと置き換えると意味が変わったり正しくない英語になったりします!

