
(1)That is why she has many friends.
(2)This is where I found your wallet.
(3)April is when we begin our school year.
(1)where he
(2)where the telephone
(1)year he visited when
(2)reason why she became
(3)when the met

各文の( )内のうち,適当なほうを選びなさい. (2) Tell me the reason (how/why) you need so much money. (1) The town (which/where) grew up is very small. (3) I remember the day (when /where) my brother was born. (4) This is (what /how) she solved the difficult problem. (5) Yokohama is the place (where/ which) I like most. ②各文の( )内の語を意味が通るように並べかえなさい. eri edy joy evip # (1) Hina is kind to everyone. That (has, why, is, she) many friends. Hina is kind to everyone. That been doy la (2) This (I, is, found, where) your wallet. This you. (2) (3) April (we, is, begin, when) our school year. 33653671 169191 theo EBST-1 10 scho April just came home, ( bobbitw ★3 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )内に適語を入れなさいollot and My cousin went to Vietnam, and there he found a job. axlil voy am 9v6sl vom (1) My cousin went to Vietnam, (ldn't fix ) (computer) found a job. I just came home, and then the telephone rang. {} bitv 92000 many frie E OSSER 5 日本語に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい. (1) 2018年は彼が初めて日本を訪れた年でした. 2018 was the () ( ) ( (2) 彼女が教師になった理由を知っていますか. Do you know the ( ) ( * (3) 私たちは図書館へ行き、そこでサリーに会った。 We went to the library, ( ) ( nisht edt no 79d of ixen tre (3) That's how she started an online store. like they, wherever) 197919dv evendw ailand 8 your wallet. our school year. 10 9 (383) rang. MAG 4 各文を日本語で表しなさい. BARSAESOUROT JA O D* (1) There are some countries where it never snows.mite ald, gob T. (1) sainidt 976 UOV V62 062 DOY (S) hoendo (2) Tuesday is the day when we have seven lessons. SO THOD 10 *(4) Explain the reason you have chosen this topic.BOX0* 01 990.12, TYSN it easque devOSE (1) *(5) They moved to Nagoya, where they lived for ten years. PIREL labe srle ,insw sila nav ) (our) Japan for the first time. (busty you their I ) (real) ( ) (simuld ) Sally. ) a teacher? 1 ah a blon vavswoll (2)


