
めんどくさいと思うのですが囲ってある部分の答えをどなたか教えてくださいm(_ _)m

Part 2 combination(s) (ka(:)mbinérf(a)n(z)/ literary /litoreri/ competition /ka(:)mpatif(a)n/ portrait portrat/ previous /privias/ regard(ed) /rigá:rd(id)/ certain sárt(a)n/ develop /divélap/ further /fardar/ argue /á:rgju:/ creation /krieif(a)n/ imitation. (imitérf(a)n/ Sakura also learns that AI is spreading into the arts. Al is opening new frontiers. It has even created novels and pictures. Japanese engineers created four short sci-fi novels. These were combinations of AI writing and human writing. In 2016, one of them passed the first round of a literary competition. Al has also produced a portrait from the data of previous artworks. In 2018, the portrait was sold at auction. People were surprised by the price. It was 432,500 dollars. People regarded the AI picture as a piece AI art. of art. Humans now have a new form of art It is certain that AI art will develop further. However, some people say that AI art is not art at all. They argue It is not that Al is just copying someone else's art. creation but just imitation. 4. These は何を指しますか。 10. regard A as B 14. It は何を指しますか。 13. not at "all 14. not A but B -
Theseは何を指しますか。 four short sci-fi novels Itは何を指しますか。 AI has also produced a portrait from the date of previous artworks.

