
めんどくさいと思うのですが囲ってある部分の答えをどなたか教えてくださいm(_ _)m

Part 1 artificial /à:rtifif(o)l/ intelligence /intélidz(a)ns/ handle(s) /hænd(a)l(z)/ deal /di:l/ assistant /əsist(ə)nt/ reply /riplá possible /pá(:)səb(ə)l/ huge /hjú:d3/ knowledge /ná(:)lidz/ appropriate /apróupriat/ seem /si:m/ safety /sérfti/ Sakura reads about the spread of AI. AI, artificial intelligence, handles a great deal of information. It makes decisions like humans. Al is used in many systems today. How us Voice assistant systems are one example. When you ask something, the systems give you a quick reply. is this possible? They access a huge online knowledge database. From this, they choose appropriate words to make answers. The answers created by AI often seem to be just for you. This is because the systems are always collecting data about you. AI is also used in air conditioners, robot vacuum cleaners, car safety systems, and so on. They help our lives a lot. AI seems to make everything possible. the systems give usl reply." 6. this は何を指しますか。 a (great) deal of 6. They は何を指しますか。 7. this は何を指しますか。 and so on Dy D. access CUNTA?
this は何を指しますか。 The the systems give you a quick reply. They は何を指しますか。 I Voice assistant gystems. thisは何を指しますか。 The answers created by AI often seem to be just for you.


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

6. this = When you ask something, the systems give you a quick reply.
6. 〇
7. this = a huge online knowledge database

