
✨ ベストアンサー ✨

ア × ← I still haven’t read the book which you told me.=I still haven’t read the book.+You×[told me it(=the book)]. 〇You told me about it(=the book).
イ 〇 ← I still haven’t read the book about which you told me.=I still haven’t read the book.+〇You told me about it(=the book).
ウ × ← I still haven’t read the book to which you told me.=I still haven’t read the book.+You×[told me to it(=the book)].
エ × ← I still haven’t read the book with which you told me.=I still haven’t read the book.+You×[told me with it(=the book)].
1. 第4文型tell(V) 人(IO) 名詞節(DO)
例文:Ken(S) told(V) me(IO) <that(接続詞) he had studied in England in 1990s>(DO).
2. 第3文型tell(V) 人(O) (about …)(M)
例文:Ken told me about his experiences in England. ケンは私に、英国における彼の経験について話してくれた。
ア × ← ×固有名詞+関係詞 〇固有名詞[,](カンマ)+関係詞
イ × ← Bob wanted to marry Jane, ×[who(S=Jane) had loved(V)] for a long time.:lovedの目的語がない
ウ × ← ×固有名詞+関係詞 〇固有名詞[,](カンマ)+関係詞
エ 〇 ← Bob wanted to marry Jane, <whom(O=Jane) he(S) had loved(V) for a long time>.= Bob wanted to marry Jane.+He(S=Bob) had loved her(O=Jane) for a long time. 

