

& Grammar 1 例にならって、英文を作りなさい。 例 : He wrote the novel. <two years> (各2点) ->> ・It took him two years to write the novel. 1. We got to the airport. <half an hour> 2. I did the crossword puzzle. <two hours> 3. You painted the house. <How long?> 2 次の各文を( (各2点) 内の表現を用いて書きかえなさい。 1. It seems that you are very happy today. (seem to ~) 2. It seemed that the old couple had no children. (seemed to ~ ) 3. It happened that they met on the street. (happened to ~) 4. It is likely that it will rain tomorrow. (be likely to ~) 3 次の各文を( 内の表現を用いて書きかえなさい。 1. It seems that I have caught a cold. (seem to ~) (各2点) 2. It seems that he was late for the train. (seem to ~) 3. It seemed that we had lost our way. (seemed to ~) 4. It appeared that the child had fallen asleep. (appeared to ~) Points 1.~3. It took 十人十時間 ~「人が~する のに時間がかか った」 1. seem to ~ 「~する[・・・であ るようだ」 3. happen to~ 「たまたま〜す る」 4. be likely to ~「~しそうだ」 1. seem to have+過去分 詞「~した [・・で あったよう 4. appear to~ = seem to~ 4
Writing 日本語に合うように,( 内の語句を並べかえて、 英文を完成させなさい。 1. かつて大西洋を船で横断するのに何ヵ月もかかっていました。 It (months/ to cross / to take/the Atlantic Ocean / used) in a ship. 2. ロンドンのこの地域で家を買うにはずいぶんお金がかかります。 It (a lot / buy a house / costs / in this part / to) of London. 3. あら。 携帯を忘れてきたみたいだわ。 Oh, no! I (seem/ have / my cellphone / forgotten / to). (各3点) 4. 何か間違いがあったようだ。 私の名前が名簿にない。 There (a mistake/been/have/seems/to). My name isn't on the list.


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

[1] ※It take 人 時間 to ~ 人が~するのに時間がかかる
1. It took us half an hour to get to the airport. 私達が空港に着くのに30分かかった。
2. It took me two hours to do the crossword puzzle. 私がクロスワードパズルを解くのに2時間かかった。
3. How long did it take you to paint the house? あなたが家のペンキを塗るのにどれくらいの時間がかかりましたか?
1. You seem to be very happy today.
2. The old couple seemed to have no children.
3. They happened to meet on the street.
4. It is likely to rain tomorrow.
1. I seem <to have caught> a cold. 私は風邪を引いてしまったようです。<不定詞の完了形>
2. He seems <to have been> late for the train. 彼は電車に乗り遅れたようです。
3. We seemed <to have lost> our way. 私達は道に迷ってしまったようでした。
4. The child appeared <to have fallen> asleep. その子は眠ってしまったようでした。
1. It (used to take month to cross the Atlantic Ocean) in a ship.
2. It (costs a lot to buy a house in this part) of London. ※it cost お金 to ~ ~するのにお金がかかる
3. Oh, no! I (seem to have forgotten my cellphone).
4. There (seems to have been a mistake).





You're welcome!😊
