

Examples 文法解説 形)] に 1 Exercise の中に当てはまる最も適切な語句を下の①~ ④ から選んで、文全体を言ってみよう。 1) I suggested to Levi that he ( ) a new notebook. 1 use ② to use 3 is using S 2) You ( ① would 3) Henry ( ① should 4 will use ) better finish your homework before going to the movie. ② are ③ should 4 had ) walk to the library every weekend before he moved. ② used to 3 had better ④ will )の語句を使って、 イラストを表す文を言ってみよう。 例 (we, would, often, play, this playground, when, small) We would often play in this playground when we were small. 1) (I, used to, milk, when, came home) 2) (You, had better, go, the doctor) 3) (Mr. Adams, suggested, that, Cathy, should, some flowers, to our teacher) 1) 2) 3) 3 ( の語句を使って、 日本語の意味を表す文を言ってみよう。 私の両親は、 妹に看護師になるように提案しました。 (suggest, to, that, should, become a nurse) • My parents suggested to my sister that she should become a nurse. 1) 私は、 金曜日にはよくスパゲッティを食べました。 (would, often, spaghetti, on Fridays) 2) 今日は傘を忘れない方がいいですよ。 (had better, forget, your umbrella, today) 3) Bethは、私たちが今チケットを買うように提案しました。 (suggest, that, we, should, tickets) 学んだ助動詞表現を使って、 自分の身近なことについて言い、もう一文自由に付け加えよう。 また言ったことを書いてみよう。 I used to read books to my younger brother. He enjoyed them very much. ・You should come back before 3:00. We will have an important meeting then. 27 N


