

◎区切りごとに意味をとりながら、 音読しよう。 P The last example is breakdancing. // This dance is known for its noitibst niedt moting of slqoq dairl edt wolle t'abib vitauos Jadw acrobatic moves / such as head spinning. // 3 The dance is a part of hip hop SAUNA) A(S) Contas O SE LES VISTAS culture. // Lot O wolls film di stadi skroeg or4 Breakdancing was born / in New York City's local communities / in the al com you! US7 anish sw vert li llet Jour 1970s. // In those days,/ fights between gangs / often happened in the city. // FRS124 6 Some members asked themselves / if there was a peaceful solution. // Pog They began to use breakdancing / to decide on the winner / of a fight. // 8 Afterward, / the dance gradually became popular / across the US. // Today, / breakdancing attracts many young people / around the world. //idt of 9130m TA 10 Dances are connected with the culture / of their birthplace. // Through dances, / people have expressed their ideas and feelings. // Dancing is a way 07/22 W of communication. // - CATEGIUNOND 2
ポイントを読み取ろう momomatoritendlertingwaritancodio ② This dance is known for its acrobatic moves such as head spinning. I known for 〜は「〜で知られている」という意味。 be known as 〜 解説 be known for れている」、be known to ~「~に知られている」とまとめて覚えておくとよい。 「~として知ら ]から選びなさい。 Question ( )に入る適切な語を B 1) This story is known (toil no) almost every Japanese. smit odt (E 2) Kenji's father is known ( ) an excellent cook. how 3) This city is known(for for / as / to ) its beautiful castle. ouraisl noitemonsy insipas ④ Breakdancing was born in New York City's local communities in the 1970s. S res 解説 be born は「生まれる」。 ブレイクダンスの歴史を説明している。 sq banilebru Question ブレイクダンスは1970年代にニューヨーク市で誕生したあと、どのように発展し たか。本文の内容に沿って日本語で答えなさい。 109sibmi waist (S Ton' 1 Co nod ai od for ) dlaid I (I ⑥ ⓒSome members asked themselves if there was a peaceful solution. 解説 SVO102 (O2 = if節) の文。if節は「~かどうか」という意味の名詞節。ここではthere to 50 IN 360 Hether 構文になっている。 Jadw I Question you に適切な語を入れて日本語の意味に合う英文を完成させなさい。 ケンはジェーン日本に行ったことがあるかどうかたずねた。 shalongod (8 Jane mor Ken askedi she had been to Japan. I ⑩ Dances are connected with the culture of their birthplace. Question their birthplace とはどのような場所か。 日本語で具体的に説明しなさい。 120mls I) This writing syste JAT90S bevorgmt need and moteygent (I This which prom bovonqui aood and ito fave Gakury. mejava
notJBisney 内容を確認しよう hav bevorqui need and misjeve satury. noitetane ots2 M of egsassim um ovig oako19 (S consequently ① 次の質問に英語で答えよう。 1) Where was breakdancing born? 2) How was breakdancing used by the gangs?us elfort bist the w 3) Why does this story say that dancing is a way of communication? the fadT (6.... w sredT [②] ( )内に適切な英単語または数字を書き入れよう。aoablow erleansmise 2 OMN X Breakdancing, which is a part of hip hop culture, was born in New York City's local communities in the 1970s. It was a (peace fultadt) solution to fights between (1 ). Then it became popular across the US and around the ). Dances are connected with the culture of their (I birth place ) communication) .adw\ yod ads\eveiled \ bina) W cue (5 world (ウ and serve as a means of ( W


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

② 〇
④ ブレイクダンスは全米で徐々に人気となり、今日では世界中の多くの若者を引きつけている。← 本文⑧⑨の内容をまとめる
⑥ 〇
⑩ Dances(S 複数形) are connected with the culture of their(複数) birthplace. となっているため、本文のbreakdancing 以外のダンスの内容が分からないと、解答できません。
1) It was born in New York City's local communities. ← 本文④
2) It was used to decide on the winner of a fight (by them). ← 本文⑦
3) Because through dances, people have expressed their ideas and feelings. ← 本文⑪
ア 〇  イ gangs ウ 〇  エ 〇  オ 〇

