

8 次の英文を読み、 あとに続く問いに答えなさい。 (*の付いている語は、英文 のあとに注釈がある) Recently, a French supermarket chain started a campaign in one city. In the campaign, the chain is selling strangely shaped fruits and vegetables at 30% off. It has been a great success, and people are (A) to buy heart-shaped potatoes or carrots with two legs. The chain is now thinking of doing the same thing in other cities around the country. 7 Before the campaign, those strangely shaped fruits and vegetables were often thrown away. It's not because they were old or (B), but because they didn't meet the standard! The standard is the rule which explain the right shape and size of all fruits and vegetables. If some fruits and vegetables don't meet the standard, their prices drop. Sometimes the prices drop so much that the farmers cannot get enough money to pick, wash, and pack the fruits and vegetables they have grown. As a result, they throw away those strangely shaped fruits and vegetables. Countries in Europe have made 2014 the "European Year against Food Waste" [time / worrying for us / it's/about/ to / stop] the shape of fruits and vegetables. Strangely shaped fruits and vegetables still ( 4 )! (注) chain: チェーン (店) strangely shaped: 変な形をした success: heart-shaped: ハート型の European Year against Food Waste: ヨーロッパ反食品廃棄物年

