
He didn't…

Traveling in Italy 9tAŠNE (8) CO Ⓒ In Florence, / an accident happened. // I was moving my wheelchair / om ot baix orew ilewsH ni gaivil olqooq oelA on a road / made of stones. // 3 Suddenly, / the right-front wheel came off. // y milites & 4 The wheelchair would not move / at all. // Because of 6 Just then, / someone asked, / "Trouble?" // I saw an Italian man / with ja ******ldiadest Word Begaborabnów. at my wheelchair / and said, / "One screw is Eu at my wife OSIGHÂM HADE *JOHNOSTAL CO You also need a wrench / to fix it." // His wife found a wrench his family. // ® He looked HAJOSI missing. // for me. // 12 Soon, they screamed, / "We found the screw!" //3 All of the family and no ob oviM bib JedW (1) finally fixed. ////or Kred elds ovim aswybod aid to jusq JBdW 46150 JOAL I said, / "Grazie!"/ and tears came out of my eyes. // 15 Thanks to their TiiewsH di esibilisat 99 Misel 991-19rried on bhi oyim bib woH (& kindness, / I was able to continue my trip. //t din bṣizarami zaw N Jelgoed I was at a loss. // rcych veled alone Hawai. 19 impress His two kids started / searching for the missing screw. // helped me, / and my noite Srisdbloedw wheelchair was rden91 1918 niegs evom 2
]) ②2 ( )内に適切な英単語を書き入れよう。 While Miyo was traveling in Florence, one of the right front) of his N bleas gonton] wheelchair came off. He didn't ( loss (non UND MR1 ) what to do. However, an 900) 23 MALU Italian man and his family helped him fix the wheelchair. His wife found a (5 wrench (I screw missing ) and his two kids searched for and found the missi ). Thanks to their kindness, his wheelchair ) and he was able to continue his trip. (オ fixed was


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

ア wheels(車輪) ※one of the wheels(車輪の一つ) = the right-front wheel(右の前輪)
イ know 文の意味:彼は何をしたらいいのか分からなった。 ※what to do:何をするべきか
ウ 〇
エ 〇
オ 〇

