
大至急です🥲dual scope 総合問題演習の12の仮定法のここの範囲の答えを教えて欲しいです🥲

↓ 発展問題 1 ( に入る最も適当な語句をa~dから選びなさい (1) Kim is still upset about the bad score on her math test last (1) 巻p.316 参考 【南山大】 by now 「今ごろはもう」 week. If I were her, I ( o about it by now. 8 a. had forgotten c. forget (2) I recommended that (9) smoking. a. he quit b. he quits c. he would quit d. he had quit (3) Mary talks about the car accident as if she ( ) it. 【相愛大】 b. would witness d. had witnessed a. witnesses c. has witnessed b. have forgotten d. would have forgotten 2 日本文の意味に合うように [ ]内の語を並べかえなさい. (1) もし転倒しなかったらレースに勝てたんだがなあ. I [ could, fallen, had, have, I, if, not, race, the, won ]. I If one (2) 彼が韓国語をしゃべるのを聞いたら韓国人だと思うだろう. If one [hear, him, Korean, speak, to, were ], one would take him for a Korean. 【近畿大】 one would take him for a Korean. (3) 気分が悪いと知っていたら、 決して彼を誘わなかったのに. [I, he, not, had, was, known ] feeling well, I would never have asked him to come. 4 日本文を英文に直しなさい。 (1) 私が君だったら、彼女の申し出を受け入れます。 Were ON THE , 1 (2) 昨日彼に本当のことを言ってさえいればなあ. 2 【 実践女子大】 (1) p.314 (2) p.327 発展編 feeling well, (3) p.318 (2) p.323 未来のことを仮定する 表現 take ~ for... 「~を・・・だと思う」 【青山学院大】 (3) p.325 発展 I would never have asked him to come. 3各文の下線部の誤りを1か所選び 正しい形に直しなさい . (1) If you did the job , properly, there would have been no need for all these acostly repairs. 【麻布大】 ( ) → ( :) (2) Each time I go on a business trip abroad, I can't help wishing (2) p.316 I can speak abetter English. 【愛知学院大】 〔 〕→( ) 3 (1) p.314 (1) p.325 PRE (2) p.325 発展編 「~でさえあればなあ」 12 仮定法 55 そあらめ まゆる 君のおはするにや ccmmmmm つけなりや。 の身を知らせ給ふべき京人よ。人達へにやら


(1) d.
(2) a.
(3) d.
(1) I [<could have won> the race if I <had not fallen>]. <仮定法過去完了>
(2) If one [<were to> hear him speak Korean], one would take him for a Korean.
※仮定法未来:if S were to ~ もし仮にSが~すれば hear(知覚動詞) O ~(動詞の原形) Oが~するのを聞く
(3) [<Had I known> he was not] feeling well, I <would never have asked> him to come. <仮定法過去完了>
※Had I known(倒置):ifを使わない仮定法過去完了
(1) a. did → had done(過去完了形) ← 仮定法過去完了:過去の事実の反対を仮定
(2) c. can → could(過去形) ← 仮定法過去:現在の事実の反対を仮定
(1) Were I you, I would accept her offer. <仮定法過去> = If I were you, I would accept her offer.
(2) If only I had told him the truth yesterday. <仮定法過去完了>
※if only S had ~ed(過去完了形) 過去にSが~してさえおけば良かったのになあ <後悔の念を表す表現>

