

✓ 1 次の文の( )内から適する語句を選びなさい。 (1) I amas (アtall taller ウ tallest I the tallest) as Tom. <栃木〉 (2) Which do you like (アgood イ well ウ much エ better), cats or dogs ? <沖縄> (3) Mt. Fuji is higher than (アno イ any ウ some I each) other mountain in Japan. <城北> (4) New York is one of (ア a big city イ the big city I the biggest cities) in the world. <京華> (5) A: Can you cook? <千葉> B: Yes, I can cook as (ア well イ warmer ウ better エ best) as my mother. に適する語を書きなさい。 2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように, Mary came earlier than Frank. Frank came (2) DO STEP 200 (3) (5) Mary. John can play the guitar better than Paul. Paul play the guitar as This question is not as difficult as that one. That question is I get up earliest of all the boys in the class. I get up earlier He does not have as many books as I have. I have books 語句 □runner: 走者 other than this one. he has. ウ the biggest city 次の日本文の意味を表す英文になるように, (1) 走ることではだれも彼にかないません。 He is the runner of us. (2) きみのお姉さんは, きみよりもピアノが上手なのですか。 Is your sister (3) 信濃川は日本でいちばん長い川です。 The Shinano is (4) あなたは,手紙とEメール,どちらがより好きですか。 do you like (5) 彼のお姉さんはますます美しくなっています。 His sister is getting as John. に適する語を書きなさい。 比較 <近畿大附〉 letters or e-mails? 〈実践学園改〉 in the class. playing the piano than you ? 〈東京工業大附科技) 〈 広島大附〉 ( 大阪女学院) all the rivers in Japan, beautiful. €
第6章 4 次の対話が成り立つように, いる場合はそれにしたがいなさい。 (1) A: It's 2:00 now. What time does the next train leave ? B: At 2:34. So we have to wait for m Is Ken a good baseball player ? Yes. I think he plays You were not at school yesterday. (2) A: B: (3) A: に適する語を書きなさい。ただし、はじめの文字が与える。 B: I was sick in bed. A: Are you OK today ? B: Yes, thank you. I feel much_b well than thirty minutes. than yesterday. 5 次の日本文の意味を表す英文になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。 (1) ケイトは妹よりダンスが上手です。 Kate (better / can / than / dance / her sister). Kate (2) これはすべての中で最も大切なことです。 This is (important / all / the / most / thing / of) . This is you. 64 (3) 琵琶湖は日本の中でいちばん大きい湖です。 Lake Biwa (larger / any / than / is / other / lake) in Japan. Lake Biwa (4) 富士山は日本で最も美しい山のうちの1つです。 Mt. Fuji is (most / one / the / beautiful / mountains / of) in Japan. Mt. Fuji is (5) 私は全教科の中で英語がいちばん好きです。 I (all / English / of / best / like / the) the subjects. I (6) 先週ほど寒くありません。 (not / as / as / it / was / is / cold / it) last week. 6 次の場合,それぞれ英語で何と言いますか。 [ ]内の語を使って書きなさい。 (1) 相手が自分の父親と同じ年齢であることを伝えるとき。 〔as〕 (2) 相手が野球とサッカーのどちらを好きかを知りたいとき。 [better] 次の I'll then the t the 5 nun for you tha 0 E <駒込< L *s] S in Jap <実践 m 5 01 35 "T I in Jap <仙台 PE the subje last we
4〈受動態の疑問文・否定文(現在)〉次の文を[]内の指示にしたがって書きかえるとき、 適する語を書きなさい。 (1) These CDs are sold at that store. ( 否定文に〕 These CDs" at that store. - (2) Mr. Kato is liked by his students. [①疑問文にして, ② Yes で答える〕 Mr. Kato by his students ? ② Yes, (3) What time do they open the store? 〔下線部を主語にした受動態の疑問文に〕 What time the store ? (4) What languages do they use in Canada ? 〔下線部を主語にした受動態の疑問文に] What languages- in Canada ? 5〈受動態への書きかえ (過去)〉次の文を受動態の文に書きかえるとき、 (1) Mr. Smith wrote this letter. This letter (2) Jim opened the door. The door (3) She washed all the dishes. All the dishes (4) Yuki carried those bags. Those bags (5) My father read this book. This book by Mr. Smith. dish by Jim. next to~ by by my father. 6 <受動態の疑問文・否定文 (過去)〉次の文を[]内の指示にしたがって書きかえるとき、 適する語を書きなさい。 のとなりに(の) by Yuki. (1) The picture was taken by Takeshi. 〔否定文に] The picture taken by Takeshi. (2) The new restaurant was built next to the station. (①疑問文にして、 ② Yes で答え the new restaurant next to the station ? ④ Yes, (3) Where did they move the car? [下線部を主語にした受動態の疑問文に Where the car (4) What did she cook yesterday? (下線部を主語にした受動態の疑問文に by her yesterday 7 What に適する語を書きなさい。 に


