
Nobody is said to have known the truth.

基本 13] $ qu awing and 134 Nobody で始まる英文に書きかえなさい。 ■ It is said that nobody knew the truth. it, for, ><S ・ It seems that SV と S seem to do の書き 15 1 しっかり理解 | 007 (1) seem と V が同じ時の場合→ to do を用いる It seems that he is ill. (現在 現在) = He seems to be ill. It seemed that he was ill. (過去+過去) = He seemed to be ill. (2) seem よりもVが前の時の場合→ to have done を用いる It seems that he was ill. (現在+過去) = He seems to have been ill It seems that he has been ill. (現在 + 現在完了)= He seems to have b It seemed that he had been ill (過去+過去完了)= He seemed to har ill. に 132 このガイドブックのおかげで,どの国を訪問したらいいかがより決めやすくなる。 133 昨日彼女は故郷に帰ったようだ。 134 だれもた W ctior 注意 両者を混同して (x) S seem that SV や, (x) S is said that SV とするミスが多い。 seer 述語 形は * It seems that SV の Vが過去形のときと現在完了形のときでは, to have dis 同じ形になることに注意。 どちらの意味になるのかは、文意から判断しなければな * It is said [believed] that SV と S is said [believed] to do の書きかえも同様に → 134 30 or ne
[[述語動詞がす[][] 形は 「完了 (a) のv その時の したよう Nobody is said that they have known the trush ではなぜだめなのか、 one を用いる。この 起きたことなので, ve done で 「S は・・・ 解。 134 is said と knew の時の差に着目 knew 「知っていた」 は述語動詞 is said 「・・・と言われている」 よりも時間的に前に起き たことなので,その時の差を完了不定詞 to have known を使って表現する。 Sis said to have done で 「Sは・・・・ したと言われている」という意味。 Nobody is said that they knew the truth. は不正解。 ●完了不定詞 S is said to have done 解答 130 dangerous for Susie to stay home on her 131 for her not to lose her temper 132 it easier for us to decide which countries to visit 133 to have gone 134 Nobody is said to have known the truth . Field 6 発音・アクセント 0
不定詞 完了不定詞


