
【 日本語⠀】

昔、私の町はとても自然豊かな場所でしたが、田舎で観光客も少なかったです。今はサービスエリアがあるので、観光客がたくさん来ています。また、私の町はお米が有名で、サービスエリアには有名なおにぎり屋さんがたくさんあります。おにぎりが好きな方はぜひ行ってみてください。サービスエリアの近くには、カラフル神社という神社があり、毎年3月にお祭りがあります。たこ焼き、チョコバナナ、綿菓子など、おいしいものがたくさんあります。 また、カラフル神社には山があり、その山の名前はさつま山です。 美しい景色が見られるので、よく登ります。もし貴方が暇ならさつま山に登ってはどうですか?聞いてくれてありがとうございました
【 英語⠀】

I'll talk about the good points my town.
In the past, my town was a very natural place, but rural with few tourists. Now there is a service area so many tourists come to my town. Also, my town is famous for its rice, and there are many famous rice ball shops in the service area. If you like onigiri, you should visit there.
There is a shrine near the service area,the name colorful shrine.colorful shrine holds festival every March.We can eat a lot of good food at this festival. such as,
takoyaki, chocolate bananas, and cotton candy.They're very delicious.The shrine also has mountains.The name of the mountain is Mt. satuma I often climb the mountain because I can see beautiful view.If you're free, why don't you climb Mt. satuma?Thank you for listening.


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

I'll tell you the good things about my town.
Once upon a time, my town was rich in nature, but there were few tourists in the countryside.There is a rest area now, so many tourists are coming.Also, rice is famous in my town, and there are many famous onigiri restaurants in the rest area.If you like onigiri, please go there.There is a shrine called Colorful Shrine near the service area, and there is a festival every March.There are many delicious foods such as takoyaki, chocolate bananas, and cotton candy. Colorful shrines also have mountains, which are called Mt. Satsuma. I often climb because I can see beautiful scenery.If you are free, how about climbing Mt. Satsuma?Thank you for listening.


初めの分は多分aboutがmy townの前にいる気がします😿




