

A 次の各文の空所に入る最も適当なものを1つずつ選びなさい. 1.( ) knows the trouble we have experienced? 1 What 2 Who 3 Whose bus 09:2 ) her opinion about the movie star? 2.( 1 How do you think 3 What do you think of 3. Did you ever know ( 1 what 4. Not ( Dall 4 Whatever 2 How do you think about What do you think ) it is to be in deep trouble? 2 which 3 that ud 4 of which Dof ) of the students were present. Some were absent. 4 any 2 every 3 other (駒澤大) (慶應義塾大) (玉川大) (流通科学大改) (31
疑問と否定 4 but 5. Betty neither read (1) nor 4 who 6. They could not see ( 2 nobody 1 anybody ( 工学院大) 7. I was so astonished that I could ( 4 always 3 hardly 2 often 1 well 8. Many people are far ) satisfied with the company's Customer Service Department. (亜細亜大) with 4 beyond (1) in from ) of them. 9. He has lived in Tokyo and Osaka, but he doesn't like ( ( 岩手医科大改) (4) two (1) all (2) either 3 each 10. I wanted to drink beer but there was () in the refrigerator. (2) not nor 3 no (4) none (大阪産業大) 11. I cannot speak Chinese ( at all not even a single word. 3 total 2 everything ( 松本歯科大 ) SACREOXBOX B 次の疑問文に対する答えを ① ~ ④ から選びなさい. Beamanieg siduosi odi aw 12. How often do you go to the movies? od W Jad W (D He's OK. 2 About once a week. 3 Only $3.50. 4 5:20 and 7:40. (***) 13. Why don't you have a seat? Thanks. I will. and oy of wol 2 You're welcome. 3 No, you can't. Anis) y ob tar W 4 Because I didn't have a seat. 14. You don't need handguns to hunt, do you? (宮城大改) have Doy bill n 1 Yes, it was. 2 Yes. It has jury trials. Jori D 3 No. Of course not! 4 No. They aren't seen on TV. to ( ) answered the letter. 3 and 2 though ) in the yard. 3 somebody ) speak. 4 entire you (跡見学園女子大 (LIEX) (大阪経済大) 15. 16 17 18 19 2
大) 15. How do you like this tie ? 疑問と否定 ① I think it will go with your blue shirt. ② It is twenty-five thousand yen. 3 I don't think she has some ties with the company. ④ I wish I could have won the game. (東洋大) C次の各文の下線部には誤っている箇所が1つずつある.その番号を指摘し、正しい形に直しな さい. 16. Why would you do if there were a big earthquake? 2 (東京農業大) 17. I wonder how long will it take before anyone can fly to the moon in a space 3 shuttle. (昭和女子大) 18. The bag was small but so heavy that I could not hardly walk. (札幌大) 19. Ted hasn't finished his homeworkyet, and I haven't neither. ① (法政大) (4) 20. The river is so polluted that fish can any longer live in it. (帝京平成大 ) D 次の日本文の意味を表すように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい. 21. この果物を英語で何と言うか知っていますか. (called/you/is/know/this fruit/do/what) in English? Do you know what this fruit is called (東京経済大改) 22. そこで私たちがだれに出会ったと思いますか. GLOXBOX 13. (across/at/came/do/think/we/who/you) that place? think we came across att hampi sa Who do (龍谷大) you 23. 天気予報は必ずしも当てにならない. The weather (always/upon/be/forecast/cannot/relied). forecast cannet be always relied AND DOY ( 徳島文理大) 24. この曲を聞くと気持ちがやわらぎ、きまって眠くなってしまうのです。 dod ye The melody is so relaxing that (asleep/falling/I/it/listen/never/to/without). Ⅰ falling a sleep I listen to without it 25. 彼女に教会で会うとはまったく思っていなかった. ( 北海学園大 ) T amp lliw yub orfT wod ⓘ She (person/to/last/expected/was/see/the/I) in church. was last Person Iexpected to.see (西南学院大改) 33


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

1. ② Who(S1) knows(V1) the trouble(O1) <which/that(省略) we(S2) have experienced(V2)>?
<私達が経験した>困難を誰が分かりますか? 誰も分かりません。
2. ③ ※think of her opinion 彼女の意見について思う
3. ① ※( )の前に先行詞(人・もの)がないので、×②③④
4. 〇
5. ① ※neither A nor B AでもBでもない
6. ① ※not(否定)+anybody=nobody
7. ③ ※hardly(部分否定) ~:ほとんど~ない
8. 〇
9. 〇
10. ④ ※none(全体否定):ひとつもない
11. 〇
12. 〇
13. 〇
14. ③ 猟をするのに拳銃は必要ないでしょう? 勿論、必要ありません。
15. 〇
16. ① → What
17. ① → it will take ※関節疑問文の語順:S+V~
18. ④ → could hardly ※hardly(部分否定) ~ ほとんど~ない
19. ④ → either ※not either = neither
20. ③ → no longer ※no longer ~ もはや~ない
21. 〇
22. 〇
23. cannot be always be relied → cannot always be relied upon
24. I never listen to without it I falling asleep → I never listen to it without falling asleep
※never … without ~ing …すると必ず~する
25. was last person → was the last person



問題数が多かったのに解説までありがとうございますm(*_ _)mm(*_ _)m


You're welcome!
Keep studying and feel free to ask questions if you have any.


そんなこと言って貰えたらもう質問丸投げできないです!笑 頑張ります!


Yeah, that's the spirit!👍
