

『学習日 目標 解答時間 20。 第1章 解答·解説→本冊 58ページ 6 O英文読解のポイント 主格/目的格の関係代名詞 to 不定詞の意味上の主語 LET'S TRY Uリスニング→ 91 ページ 演習問題 min 下線部(a)~(d)のthat のうち,省略しても文法的に正しいものを1 つ選びなさい。 次の英文を読み,設問に答えなさい。 C National Symbols 2 空所1~6に入れるべき最も適切な語句をの~のの中から選びなさい。 A symbol is something (a) that stands as a reminder of something (1 )O area 2 pride shame の song else. ? The United States has many national symbols that help bring (2 )Ofor 2 of 3with の to the local and regional communities together as a whole nation.'By (3)O by の for O up with 6 having some traditional symbols (o that people throughout our nation ( 4 )O friendly のindependent ® royal の speedy 5| share, we are able to connect with each other and share the ( 1 ) we have in our country. (5 )O as well as の besides 'but also @ in addition to 20The United States flag is a symbol that is easy( 2 ) all Americans to recognize.It stands ( 3 )our country, with one ( 6 )O ahead of の for the sake of の because of star for each of our 50 states, and 13 stripes to represent each of our 3 Those colonies later became states, and 37 Qinstead of JO original 13 colonies. more statesjoined them to make up our country. |3 本文の内容に合うものを以下の①~6の中から2つ選びなさい。 3 1 The American Bald Eagle is our national bird. "It was chosen 2 The United States flag is the only symbol that unite people throughout America. For American people, their state's symbols are more important than because it is so ( 4 ) and free. { Choosing such a bird fo represent/ our nation/tells everyone that our country values freedom and the the national ones. 「5 COurage to be independent. A The American national flag has 13 lines that stand for 13 main rivers. The Statue of Liberty is another very famous American symbol. The American Bald Eagles have been chosen as the national birds It was a gift to the people of America from the people of France in because they are independent and free. The Statue of Liberty was made in America to be sent to France. 1886. It represented not only the spirit of friendship between our Countries, ( 5 ) the shared vision for liberty, which is a *synonym America's national symbols can remind people from different states that they are Americans. 20 for freedom. 5 America's symbols unite people from many different states and help them feel like Americans ( 6 )just citizens of their own states. (229語/金城学院大学) 4 波線部を和訳しなさい。 そのような島は百由である価値で紙もしたということがみんなに分かる ように優し、私たちの回を悪していいろ 書注 synonym「同義語」 清習問題6 17
関係代名詞 不定詞


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

[1] 〇
( 1 ) ② pride(誇り)
( 2 ) 〇
( 3 ) ② for ※stand for … …を表す
( 4 ) 〇
( 5 ) 〇
( 6 ) ④ instead of … …の代わりに ✕③for the sake of … …のために 
④ 〇  
⑥ 〇
[4] Choosing such a bird(S1) (to represent our nation)(不定詞・副詞的用法) tells(V1) everyone(IO1) <that(接続詞) our country(S2) values(V2) freedom and the courage(O2) (to be independent)(不定詞・形容詞的用法)>(DO1). [第4文型]





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