

LESSON Practice 1 Change the verb to the appropriate form and complete the sentences. 1. These days, many people use online greeting cards instead of traditional cards (make) of paper. 2. Online greeting cards have special features (attract) an increasing number of people. 3. Recently there have been online greeting cards with (move) pictures and music. 4. You don't need a pen or anything (write) with in order to send these online cards to your friends and relatives. 2 Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences. 1. Congratulations on winning the city's speech contest! [ wonderful / about / speech/ the aging society / was/ your ]. 市のスピーチコンテストでの優勝おめでとう! あなたの高齢化社会についてのスピーチはすばらし かった。 2. [by/a speech / it/ data/ supported / many kinds of / was ]. それはさまざまなデータに裏付けられたスピーチでした. 3. There [ people / to / were/ a lot of / your speech/listening carefully ]. あなたのスピーチにじっくり耳を傾けている人がたくさんいました。 4. As you said, [alot of/ solve/we/right now/have/to/problems ]. あなたが言ったように, 私たちには今すぐに解決しなければならない問題がたくさんあります。 3 This is a farewell card to an exchange student, Kate. She is going back to her country. Put the Japanese parts of the passage into English. Genre We'll miss you so much! Wishing you the best of luck for your new life. Kate, we can't believe you're leaving Japan. ① 私たちにはいろいろな行事についてのすば We'll never forget your hard work in making our らしい思い出がたくさんあります。 exhibition at the school festival successful. Inside the card, ② いろいろな行事で撮られた 私たちの写真があります。 don't forget us! ④ 私たちは,日本についての映画を撮りたいというあなたの夢がかなうことを (③) 楽しかった時間を表しているこれらの写真を見てください, and 願っています。 Have a safe trip. 映画を撮る make a movie >楽しかった時間 some good times FYour Turn の Make a pair and ask your partner the following questions. 1. Think of somebody you want to send a congratulations card to (such as your friend or a Tamily member). Who do you want to send the card to? 2. What will vou write about to congratulate him or her?
英語 英語表現


