

く比 るので、 彼らはスピーチをより理解十 (4)(~thing+形容詞》の語順に (1)「あなたはたくさんの水を飲み (2)「あなたはスミスさんをどれく は(have[has]+主語+過去分 (3)「私はこの本を借りたいので (4)「これは世界で最も小さい動 もよいのです。 もし問を置かずに話したら、あなたは緊張, speech)の方法に したものです。これをEんで、後の 問いに答えなさい。 In many schools, students learn *how to tell their ideas to others, and they may have chances to make a speech. Speaking well is important in your life, so that experience will help you a lot in the future. To make a good speech, you should try to speak ina big voice. Also, you should choose and use the words carefully., *Listeners will be able to hear you easily if you do 5 Oso. Using your hands is useful too. Listeners will see how you move your hands and then understand the *main point in your speech. If you try these things, you can *improve your speech. However, there is another way to make your speech better. Have you ever tried to use a “*pause" while vou make a speech? You don't say any words but listeners can still understand you. *Actually, ②_[make/greatest /is/ways / df/ to / one / it 1he l a wonderful speech, but ③whyisit so *effective? 10 First, yeu can get *attention from listeners. For example, put a pause before you say important things. Your listeners will *pay more attention to you. When you take a pause, your listeners will think, "The speaker stopped talking, but why?" Then they will try to listen to your next words more carefully. Second, a pause can give listeners time to think, so they can understand the speech better. 15 If your speech *continues without a pause, *it is difficult for the listeners to understand your message well. However, if you stop and wait for a little before or after you say an important thing, the listeners can *follow your speech more easily. Third, puttinga pause is also good for *speakers. If you speak without a pause, you may get too nervous, and you'll not be able to remember your message. What's ④ (go) to happen to you 2 then? A good speech will be difficult to make. However, when you speak with some pauses, you will not feel so nervous, and you will not forget the point of your speech. Then, you can speak with *confidence. Some people think thatit's not good to stop talking while others are listening to you. That may be true ina *conversation. However, when you make a speech, you usually speak toa group of people, and the speaking time is given only to you, so taking a pause becomes an effective way of talking. There are several *tips to be a wonderful speaker. How about trying to put a pause when you make a speech next time? (注) how to~ : どうやって~したらよいか listener:聞き手 pause:(話の)間 actually :実は improve~: ~を改善する main point:要点 attention:注目 pay attention to~: ~に注目する effective:効果的な it is ~(for人) to : ……することは (人にとって) ~だ follow~:~についていく continue:続く speaker: 話し手 confidence:自信 conversation:会 3


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

そのように という意味があるので、文から

