

4. (a) She is a person (who [whom]) I often have dinner with. (b) She is a person with whoml often have dinner. who [whom] with with whom which .. at 5. (a) This is the place (which) this picture was taken at. at which (b) This is the place at which this picturewas taken. 関係代名詞が前置詞の目的語になる場合,(a) の文のように, 前置詞(with, at)が文の最後に残る場合。 (b) の文のように, 前置詞を関係代名詞の前に移動させて, 〈前置詞+関係代名詞)の形になる場合があ (a)の場合,関係代名詞は省略できるが, (b) の場合は省略できない.また, (b) の場合, who や that は言 詞の直後に置いて使うことはできない。 ol ao steealzrs ;複合関係詞 bs 5. (a) Whoever is 18 or older can vote in the election. ~する人はだれでも (b) Iwill cook whatever you want to eat. ~するものは何でも (c) Iwill visit you whenever it is convenient for you. ~するときはいつでも (d) I will drive you wherever you want to go. ~するところならどこでも . (a) Whoever is against my plan, I will never give it up. だれが[を]~しようとも (b) Whatever you do, I will always support you. 何が[を]~しようとも (C) Whenever you start studying, it is not too late. いつ~しようとも (d) Be sure to write to me wherever you go. どこで[へ]~しようとも (e) However difficult the problem is, you can get over it. どんなに~でも -ever がついた関係詞(whoever, whatever, whichever / whenever, wherever, hower る…はだれ [何、どれ、 いつ, どこ] でも」, 7. 「たとえ~でも」 という意味を表す


