

第三間次の英文は、中学生の流子 (Ryoko) が夏祭りでの体験について英語でスピーチをしたときのも のです。この英文を読んで、あとの1~7の間いに答えなさい。 『majunior high achool student. I'mamember of the English elub at our chool. We practice English with our English teacher. Mr Jones, on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays One day, Mr Jones said to us, "All of you can apenk English better now. Wby don't we try new things? Does anyone have any idear I said. "1 have an ides. How about maling leafets for foreign people about the summer festival in our city" "Ob. that's a grent ideal" Miki, a member of the English elub said. Bhe aid. The summer festival in our city 1s famous and many people from foreign countries come to see it 『 we make leaffets in Englinh and give one to them, they can enjoy the festival more"Another member. Koji, nid.We should put amap of our city on the leaflet. Then, they can easily go to the attractions they want to e" Mr. Jone said, "Your ideas are wonderful! Let's make useful lenflets and give them to foreign people. When you gave a lenflet to foreign people, they may ask you something about the
featival "Sure" we d We worked hard to make leaflets, We also practiced Engiish hard On the day ol the sunmer fontival, a lol of foreion people came to our city. 1 learned a lot about the 付11mr festival in our city, but I wan a liule nervous Then, Mr Jones ad to me, 'Don't worry, Ryoko ive fm" 1talked to n forgn wompn"Hello Would you like n leafet for this festival" and showed her the lenflet we made The womam snid, "Ob. its writtn in Enghh! Thank you"1became happy and 自aked her, "Where are you from"" She anawerud, "T'm from Hawai, T'm Mary. My grandmother is from ihin city, Bh left here when ahe marriedmy prandfather She often told me about the summer festival in this city, ntl wanted to come here with her But she in in the houpital because of a serious illness She Winted me to vinit here snd take picturen of the fentival"Iaid to her, "Tl show you around the city 1ahowed Mary nround the city and talked about the attrnctions, Sometinies she asked me about them. Bhe wus alwnys amiling even if l could not answor well, but I felt ( 4) ) After I naid goodbye to her, 1 thought, "J needed to lenrn more about my city, 1 needed to practice Engliah more Two weeka Inter, m email eame to my school. It was for me from Mary, In the e-mail, she said, "Thank you very much for your leflet und showing me arou the city I had a wonderful time with you My rAndmother was Ho hnppy when she saw the pictures that I took in your city. Please come to see me in Hawnii in the future," 1was really happy when I read the email Now, 1oftenRend e mails to Mary and her grandmother. In the future, 1 want to visit them and enjoy talking with them. <> lenflet() リープレット uttraction(s) 出し物 nervous 緊張して Would you like~? ~はいかがですか。 married ~ marry ~(~と結結婚する) becnuse of~~のために answer(ed) 答える be in the hospital 入院している after ~ ~したあとで illness 病気 下線部Dに関して、 美紀(Miki)が源子の提案に対してこのように言った理由を,本文の内容から具体的 に日本語で書きなさい。 2 本文中の ア So, you should not give it to them. ウ But you don't have to help them. 3 「線部3に関して, 女性が京子の住む市に1人で来た目的は何か, 本文の内容から具体的に日本語で書き に入る最も適切なものを、 次のア~エから1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 イ So, let's practice English harder エ But you must make leaflets in Japanese. なさい。 4 本文中の(4) )に入る最も適切なものを、 次のア~エから 1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア excited 5 次の買問に対する答えを, 本文の内容に合うように3語以上の英語で書きなさい。 Did many foreign people come to Ryoko's city on the day of the summer festival? 6 次のア~オを本文の流れに合うように並べかえ,記号で答えなさい。 ア Mr Jones and the English elub members talked about making leaflets for foreign people. イ ngry ウ happy エ SOrry イ Mary told Ryoko why she came to Ryoko's city. ウ Mr. Jones told Ryoko to have fun when she was a little nervous, Rvoko became happy when she read the e-mail from Mary. エ オ Ryoko talked to a foreign woman and showed her the leaflet about the summer festival. 7次の英文は, 涼子のスピーチを聞いたクラスメートが書いた感想文です。 本文の内容をふまえて (A ),(B)のそれぞれに入る最も適切な英語1語を, 本文中から抜き出して書きなさい。 Ryoko had a good experience. She and the English club members ( ) leaflets about th summer festival in English.I think the leaflets were ( B) for many foreign people.I hope mo and more forign people will come to our city and enjoy the summer festival.


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

5. Yes, they did.
7. A. made B. useful


