

特殊構文 文法項目 fireworks remain an important part of celebrations in China. In particular, you are ' Fireworks were invented by the Chinese in the seventh century. To this day, C) Houses of Parliament (the meeting place of the British government) with enough 一*gunpowder to destroy the building and kill everyone inside it, including the king In the United Kingdom, fireworks are usually only seen in the first week of November each year. On November fifth, 1605, g Guy Fawkes was caught under *the テーマ 文明·風俗 UNIT 13 O Track 78-80 Reading almost certain to see fireworks during the Spring Festival, otherwise known . Chinese New Year. ©only in the past several centuries, however, ( ① 5 custom of viewing fireworks spread to countries all over the world. For the Japanese, fireworks are commonly viewed in the summer. In fact. on on.. given day of the summer season, you are likely to find a publically organized fireworks display somewhere in Japan. Many people wear traditional summer kimonos or yukata, and enjoy foods and sweets bought from *open-air stalls while watching the 10 fireworks in the night sky. The first fireworks were seen in Japan in 1733. Currently, the biggest fireworks display in Japan is held in Nagano prefecture, where about 39,000 explosions light up the sky. In America, fireworks are closely associated with two important annual events. 79 The first of these events is New Year's Eve. As the clock strikes midnight and 5 people welcome the New Year, fireworks light up the sky, which lets everyone know that the New Year has begun. The fireworks in *Times Square, New York are especially famous and live on TV across the nation. The second event is the Fourth of July, commonly known as *Independence Day. On this day, all Americans celebrate their freedom from the *British Empire and the birth of their country. Moo。 of the fireworks on this night are red, white, and blue in color iust like the flag o! b American's country. aningtai 3 Every year, around November fifth, people on fireworks shows to acroga
タイムズスクエア Independence the Houses of Parliament 国会議事堂(イギリ Open-air stall British Empire 大英帝国 (0 )に入れるのに最も適切なものを選び, 記号で答えなさ! ア as イ does ウ has エwhen 00 下線部2を日本語に訳しなさい。 0下線部3の人物について, 本文の内容と一致しないものを選び * He attempted to carry out a plot with the gunpowder. 1 He intended to use the gunpowder to blow up the Hou d on the roof of the buil


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