

1、の (6 3 2、 1 2 3 18.4) 4 19 ④ 20 (1) 6.3 21 7.3 22 8、 23 の 9.③ 2)3 (0(4) 25 0 3) 26 27② ③ 13 280 4 1 15)
115 It was interesting the article about how we had shrines in 15 Japan in the first century. 0 to read of reading in reading @ with reading (英検2級) 口16 It is natural babies to cry when they are hungry. 16 0 when that 3 for some (桜美林大(経-経)] 17 what he meant. 口17 The translator found it impossible 0 explain @ to be explained @ to explain have explained (京都産業大(理)) |18 Excuse me, could you tell me the University Hospital? 18 0 the way of @where to go @ how to arrive @ how to get to (名城大(商)) |19 He came in quietly 19 not to wake the baby. as if such 3 if so 4 so as (札幌大女子短大郎) |20 George had no alternative but as his friends suggested. 20 0 to do 3 have to do done @ having done (英検2級)
■問2:次の英文の下線部のうち,誤った英語表現を含む番号を指摘せよ。 口21 Modern technology has genabled us @hearing many @varieties of music at athe turn of a dial. 誤り= 21 (南山短大) I'm not planning to のgo abroad athis summer, because I can't。 OSpending so much money. 口22 afford 誤り= 22 (桃山学院大) 口23 I have so much ohomework tonight I'm not going to have 0901 time to gwatching TV. Oy 誤り= 23 (学習院女子短大) 問3:日本文に合う英文になるように選択肢の語を並べかえ,空欄に入るものを選べ。 口24 田中さんの住所を必ず教えてください。 Mr. Tanaka's address. 24 25 O know @ to (3) me @ fail 6 let 6 don't (小樽女子短大) |25 彼はとても人を裏切るような人物ではない。(1語不要) He is 26 27 0 person 2 the last 3 betray other 6 others 6 to


