

[1] 時制 |1. When he got the letter, he ( Xburns 2 has burned /3) burned ) it without reading i> の had burned (独協大) |2. Many American high-school students do not know that the Civil War( takes place /③ 1ook place )Getween 1861 (and 1865> have taken place の had taken place (亜細亜大) 2 3.( )t a higher temperature than water? のHas milk boiled Is milk boiling Does milk boil Was milk boiling (江戸川大) 2 4. I don't like tea, so I( Ogenerally drink am generally drinking had generally drunk ) coffee for breakfast was generally drinking (関東学院大) 2 5.“Where is Peggy?" “She ( )a bath now." is taking 2 take ③ takes ④ took (京都学園大) 2 6. Do you think he( ) his father? is resembling の resembles with Oresembles ③ resembles to (同志社大) 27. Do you have any idea ywhat she ( tonorrow? il be doing 3 does ) when I call her had done was doing (聖心女子大) 28. Many young people go o university without any clear idea op what they are ( ) to do afterwards. の)goingir being ③ seeing ④ coming (大阪経済大)
[1]時制 7 )o go out shopping >when you telephoned.] almost ③ About ④ close 会大ー (南山大) 9. I was just( ① nearly 2 10. By the time she( ) there, she will be happy again. ③ will get ① got get ② gets (大阪電通大) 211. When spring ( ), Im going to take up a new sport. r will arrive is going to arrive 2 is arrived Orrives dabd (立教大) 2 12. I don't know when he( ) tomorrow. 1 shall come will come ③ come_ Deomes (創価大と 2 13. She told me she would be here about six. Anyway, I'll tell 発展 you when she_( (1tomes had come ③ will come ④ would come (立命館大一 2 14. I can't tell if it ( D is raining Orains ) tomorrow. has been raining will rain (駒淫大) | 15. The sign says that the police will take your car away if you ) it here. ① are going to park park had parked ④ parked (京都産業大) | 16. The weather forecast predicts whether it ( ) or not. O will rain 2 has rained must rain. ④ has been raining (関西学院大) 2 17. There is milk all over the kitchen floor because my wife (_ ) the bottle. Ohas broken 2 is breaking breaks の was breaking (摂南大)
| 18. What a busy day! I ( ) anything4o eat since this morning の hadn't ② haven't )haven't had の won't have (東京経済大) ob r Vet Hiw | 19. Jim( ) to take me out 4o dinner for the last three weeks, 2 had tried 1 tries ③ is trying orsm avndiw のhas been trying 8CC (和洋女子大) | 20. Tom and Sue () each other since 1985. 2 have been knowing have known were known no 1edh bosiles mor (熊本県立大) were knowing asohue vm | 21. Their only son ( b) 1or the past three years> 2 diesV is dead ③ had died Ohas been dead (駒深大) | 22. Tom (6 2) home just now. 1ol oft の had been coming ivil arw tod 30 H0 (2) came had come (拓殖大) 3has come guivil noad Dsd 23. “Have you ever seen that movie?" “Yes. Actually I ( i yesterday." b om )it leie vo bidw vig asrt 2 have seen g liw was seen 'saw (東京国際大) had seen | 24. Oh, you are through with the work.( 10)? のWhen do you finish it ① When did you finish it ③ When have you finished it When will you finish (神戸女学院大) 6 と59 39 nwol w0o1 sm 2 25. If I have to go to Kyoto once more, I ( ) it four times this year. 0 have visited visit baib will have visited (京都産業大) visited di s | 26. By the time he retires, Professor Yamada ( ) for almost forty years. ① has taughtsd will teach he debn② had taught 1nw 7 ) will have been teaching (上智大)
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