

[1]時制 7 2 go out shopping when you telephoned.) の 9. Iwas just( ① nearly (2 almost ③ About ④ close 金大一汁(南山大) 2 10. By the time she ( get 2 gets ) there, she will be happy again. ③ will get ① got (大阪電通大) 2 11. When spring ( フ, Im going to take up a new sport. 'will arrive is arrived is going to arrive Oorrives (立教大) 7 12. I don't know when he( ) tomorrow. 1 shall come 2 will come 3 come_Deomes で (創価大) 13. She told me she _would be here about six. Anyway, I'll tell you when she ( のcomes 発展 2 had come ③ will come 4 would come (立命館大) 2 14. I can't tell if it ( D is raining Orains ) tomorrow. has been raining ④ will rain (駒淫大) 2 15. The sign says that the police will take your car away if you ( )it here. 1 are going to park had parked ーよ友会園 Opark ④ parked (京都産業大) | 16. The weather forecast predicts whether it ( ) or not. will rain ② has rained ④ has been raining (関西学院大) 3 must rain 2 17. There is milk all over the kitchen floor because my wife ) the bottle. Dhas broken Y breaks is breaking の was breaking (摂南大)
[1] 時制 ) it without reading i> 21. When he got the letter, he ( Xburns 2 has burned /3) burned ④ had burned(独協大) 2 2. Many American high-school students do not know that the )Getween 1861 and 1865> Civil War( have taken place takes place 3 took place の had taken place (亜細亜大) )at a higher temperaturè than water? Has milk boiled 2 3.( Is milk boiling Does milk boil Was milk boiling (江戸川大) 2 4. I don't like tea, so I ( Ogenerally drink 3 am generally drinking had generally drunk ) coffee for breakfast was generally drinking (関東学院大) 2 5.“Where is Peggy?” “She ( Ois taking ② take ③ takes ④ took )a bath now." (京都学園大) ) his father? 2is resembling の resembles with | 6. Do you think he ( Oresembles ③ resembles to (同志社大) 2 7. Do you have any idea ywhat she ( tornorrow? Vill be doing does ) when I call her ② had done was doing (聖心女子大) 2 8. Many young people go o university vithout any clear idea op what they are ( ) to do afterwards. 9goingr@ being ③ seeing ①coming (大阪経済大)


