
答えは preserve culture になります。

3 次の文章を読んで, あとの各問に答えよ。 (*印の付いている単語·語句には, 本文のあとに [注] がある。) When we go to the library, we read books/*search for and/share information and have a *discussion with others. // Libraries are very convenient places. /The library has a long history of collecting and keeping books. /Books have been an important part of culture. Around 1445 Johann Gutenberg *invented the *printing machine./ Libraries began to collect the hooks *printed by the printing machine, and the number of libraries grew./ Now some libraries have begun to *digitalize a lot of books. Some people say most of the books will become digitalized *data/ When 声った all the books are digitalized, what will the future of the library be? / Some even say the library will disappear. Will that really happen? To answer this question, we first have to see how people have digitalized books. We can say the idea of digitalizing books began with Michael Hart in 1971/ He was able to use an expensive computer,/so he thought he could do something good for other people by using it. A computer can keep a lót of data/and it can search for the data in a very short time./When the computer has a lot of digitalized data from the books, these data become an important part of culture. / Michael Hart thought that people would use these data as they like, His idea became a *project. /He couldn't digitalize books which had *copyright, so he digitalized books which were *in the public domain and collected them in a computer./ People were able to read the distalized books without *paying any money. Hart named his project “Project Gutenberg," |He thought his project was as important as Gutenberg's printing machine, because the printing machine also spread knowledge 知識てめる all over the world. / Project Gutenberg continues even after Hart died in 2011. Now you can read - 4
more than 46,000 books when you like on the Internet. Since Project Gutenberg started and computers *improved! *digitalization of books has spread around the wor]d,/ Many libraries began to digitalize their books People working in the library thought that /digitalizing books would be good for them. They don't need much space for digitalized data and the books will not be *damaged easily. / Through digitalization, they can *preserve a lot of books, so they can preserve culture. Also, when libraries have digitalized books. they can help each other more easily. / It is easier to share digitalized books than printed books. Let's look attwo examples./ *The British Library has about 14,000,000 books,/ In 2005, the British Library asked a company to digitalize 100,000 books which were in the public domain」 In 深へ範囲 2011, it asked another company to digitalize 250,000 books which were also in the public domain. When you visit the sites of the British Library, you can read some of them. The British Library 7trト works with many libraries around the world on the internet. *The National Diet Library in Japan also started digitalizing their books./ In 2011, about 900,000 out of about 10,000,000 books in the National Diet Library were digitalized./ Some of them have copyright and others are in the public domain. If you would like to read those data with copyright, you usually have to go to the library. The National Diet Library gives some of the digitalized books to other smaller libraries in Japan. It is also a member of an international group of libraries. Libraries in 80 countries put their digitalized books on one website. People all over the world/can read them when they visit the website. While many libraries around the world are digitalizing their data,/ in 2013 Biblio Tech, a library without any printed books, was built in an American city which had no library. Biblio Tech is the first library in this place. There are really no books in the library at all. it was built to spread knowledge) and information It also needs less money than a traditional library with printed books./ The *cost of building a traditional library is about 120,000,000 dollars/ but the cost of building Biblio Tech was about 2,300,000 dollars because it doesn't need much space. It's cheaper to *maintain Biblio Tech because it doesn't have to pay for damaged books! It's also cheaper to maintain Biblio Tech because digitalized books need less space. Biblio Tech has 20,000 digitalized books and the number is growing. / People living around Bibio Tech there to read digitalized books on computers in thé library. | They can also borrow 数は増えている go the *e-book readers to read the digitalized books at home, The number of' visitors to the li brary was over 100,000 in the first year, and a lot of people continue to visit there/ When high school students near the library come after school, there are so many people /that théy cannot find enough Computers. /Every day about half of the e-book readers in the library are borrowed/ Also, Biblio Tech has some rooms for events and people can have a discussion with others there./ In this way, thanks to Biblio Tech, knowledge and information spread to many people around this city. / Biblio Tech is one example of a future library. We go to libraries to read books, especially books which have copyright, to get knowledge and information and share ideas with others. Libraries will continue to collect printed and digitalized books, and keep them for the future. Libraries improved because of Gutenberg's printing machine.
問6 次の文章は本文の内容について書かれたものである。 ぞれ入る適切な連続する2語を本文中から抜き出せ。 と の中に,それ We can say the digitalization began from Michael Hart's Project Gutenberg, Hart thought it was good to digitalize books, but he didn't digitalize books These days some important libraries/began to digitalize books which were in the public domain andhad copyright. In America a library without any books opened./ It only has a lot of computers and e-book readers to read digitalized books/ Libraries will collect printed and digitalized books, keep them and spread knowledge. That means libraries will


