



OTmk Emige DO 90un TATH入L 00ol odi, 口175 Science would make( much less progress / the computer networks / to (センター本試) (国土協) exchange / used by many scientists / without) ideas. 2 大 ) abusger & adreod の nit My old 正誤 4 下線部には誤りが1つある。指摘して正しく直しなさい。 dabga yasM A 8a計 How dotuesga 8 Ma dd ynidionbe Cth of bnidng 目標時間:5分>1問 1分 (大) 176 Aristotle, a philosopher of ancient Greece, who had one of the world's 2 greatest mind, taught that only by knowing the origin of something can it 3 の 大 be truly understood. (o preparingg @ preparing Jwo (立教大) apared andand
177 The government receives a large 。 number of revenue from 。 the taxation of alcohol and tobacco products. (明治学院大) nainia 00r 0rS-「8T 問 agrees ロ 178 I hope everybody a agree that it is bad 2 manners to 3 leave the table with food の still in your mouth. ずつ(東京薬科大) 3分2) OS M OS 開日 口179 Do you know where is David? I have to give him these documents by uel odT (中央大) )0(法政大) 3 three o'clock this afternoon at the latest. 4 99rie 2ol→ adtedw THeu 45-year old company worker fell broken hip, o police said. ロ180 The 2 60 meters, but suffered only a (大 nog (国士舘大) alieh od (大学画園 dopongen 1q9008 at 9maid Be tn gs bo onw agal tedgbend heodod boo e onal b8r a 1ediie d'abih s Tod allking (大田早) 1A 19 n9 99w amts od cing ing Part 1 懸準編
英語 reflex 語彙 文法 英文法 正誤


