

4 英語クラブに所属するケイ(Kei) が, プラウン先生 (Mr. Brown) や仲間とともに, 地 域に住むノルウェー (Norway) 出身のアーベルさん(Mr. Abel) 宅を訪れて取材しまし た。次の英文は, 英語クラプが発行する英語新聞に載せた記事です。英文を読んで、 J w avab hio sda ai" あとの各問い(問1~問4)に答えなさい。 od booy Yacs aw 3o0ts 注) Mr. Abel is a friend of Mr. Brown's and he is from o D bracers Norway. He came to Japan about ten years ago. One day in afnrrassex August, we visited his house. It was very hot outside. There p oigosyiqmne ntbipd wsn idsrw うsuod were many tall trees around Mr. Abel's house and the wind bo through the trees was a little cool. We were surprised to Vedanon wsa bus_eと iiant dod 0d s bfod ot valw tat eds ai 3et' see Mr. Abel's house, It was a traditional Japanese house. o It was made of *wood and its roof was a *warabuki-yane.。 wood木材 1g * warabuki-yane わらで作 Mr. Abel wvelcomed us. We followed him in his house.We i られた屋根付 おじな : follow(ed) ~の後につい sat on tatami. When I touched the tatami, it was cool. The て行く「k op d .Yob tt s rg.ji ni btog so 7月b.bloo お *sunlight through the * sunlight 日光 d t bs sp2rort was not so strong and it was id うどりばま gi okog oelA beautiful. We had tea and he told us about houses. 89walt hae sasyy n5org Ietonned #u hoot voins ans つになができ Tro sitr ne 1o s02 wokd bona e er t rida Mr. Abel: “Im from Norway. In my country, there are four ) i nobi ail oert seasons like in Japan. But *as you know, it is very cold in od: as you know 知っての通 り winter in my country. Traditional houses in my country *grass on their roofs. Do know why? Cold air in have you *grass 草 t ThoN winter or hot air in summer doesn't *affect you so much * affect ~に影響する when you have grass on the roof of your house. Traditional fetA 1M 1わりonw et houses in Norway are like traditional Japanese houses with Ji bolil od bas n t bad odhg gvBt warabuki-yane and they are nice to live in. So when I found h euot ertS 357 3 ) 1 val Frbi5 od d.bi6 ont or this house, I decided to live in 1t. Of Course, nad o * fix ~を修理する Some parts of this house because it was old, but I like to live in this house. *Natural #building materials like grass o natural /自然の S and wood are useful and they are also good for'vonr haelth pulding materiale) 建築 and the Earth.When people these natural building 1 S use materials for their houses, they don't need so much energy ngae digpetiapa woT tt ot 3 がs せ u tptoy ponaca th3R Itbr. 10 brabye gahuu
for #air conditioning. Each country has its own way to make *air conditioning 空調 nice houses. To learn about this is interesting for me." I was very interested in Mr. Abel's story. I thought people )I didn't know *in the old days were great. ( ア * in the old days 昔の there were many good points about old houses. Now we cannot see many *wooden houses or houses with warabuki-yane wooden 木製の i lolA around us. Most of our houses are made of new building materials. Of course, theyialso have some good points. For aword example, people can build houses easily and quickly and tee ow JaarglA houses with new building materials can keep warm air. is gu ST Both traditional houses and new houses have good points. onta What is the best way to build a house? T od 'ledA M car Do you know Green Roof"? Isaw it in a TV news program. In the news, some tall buildings in big cities have pon a grass on the top of them. This is called a “Green Roof” ste fadA 0 Grass on the buildings can keep warm air in the room on wssosos mo ska a cold day or cold air in it on a hot so it is better ods dgian for houses and for the Earth. Also, people in those 9は bg gd eW lutttu can enjoy looking at beautiful green grass and flowers. I think it is a good idea. Now, some of the cities in the world use this idea. I think to use both traditional ideas and new 中ot cm'1o. ideas for building houses is important..worul iwv e d naも ot ait anrsse Va で ai とosuon iのaoitihat doon yon ni rsiniw 本文の内容と合うように, 次の(1)~~(3)の英文に続けるのに最も適当なものを,それ ぞれ次の1~4のうちから一つずつ選び, 番号で答えなさい。 問1 o CE o つけ 3001fs まaasolh T9 a ni xiR tord vo 1eまniw Mr. Abel decided to live in a traditional Japanese house because sd sor nedw -1 he wanted to live in wiun a house warabuki-yane in Norway. a o4 at asaot 2 the house didn't have shoji, but it had tatami and he liked it. yol Lod 2.ar avil ut gn s veds bas srog.idudotna 3 the house was old, but he didn't have to fix it to live there. ed.a02 4 he thought the house was g0od like a traditional house in hiscounty t 03 9 1 d blo apw ti 9eun9ed saund cid To atheG ae (2) Mr. Abel said in his story that inaje注 1tbind" leuts1eauos ants ni sri ser bil 1 learning about different. ways to make nice houses was interesting. w bd or wood for making houses and buildings. 3od b 3 many ways to use new building materials were interesting for him. 9 doe oR bnga i'ohrdt agagnd_1adi o1 4 living in traditional houses was important for people in Japan. rou
(3) After Mr. Abel's story, Kei 1 thought that traditional houses were better than new ones. 2 learned that new houses had more good points than traditional ones. 3 thought about the good points of traditional houses and new houses. 4 wanted to live in a traditional house with tatami and shoji. 問2 英文中の空所(ア)に入れるのに最も適当な文を,次の1~4のうちから一つ選び, 番号で答えなさい。 1 They made nice houses with only grass. 2 They didn't know the ways to build nice houses well. 3 They used things around them and made nice houses. 4 They didn't use natural building materials to make houses. 問3 下線部(イ)のGreen Roofの持つ利点をまとめた文となるよう (①), (2) 内にそれぞ れ適する日本語を書きなさい。 二ビルの屋上の草は(はう )を, また( 2 )を保 つことができるため家や地球によりよい。き 之文 さ 問4 次の英文が本文の内容に一致するように, 文中の空所( A)~(C )に最も適 当な英語を,それぞれ1語ずつ書きなさい。 Kei and his friends visited Mr. Abel's house with Mr、 Brown in August. They were surprised to see Mr. Abel's house because it wasa traditional Japanese house and it ( A) warabuki-yane. They ( B ) to Mr. Abel's story about houses. Kei learned about the good points of traditional houses in Norway and in Japan from Mr. Abel. It was interesting for Kei and after that he thought about houses. Now he thinks that ( C ) both traditional ideas and new ideas for building houses is important. Green Roof is a good example of that.


