
critical point2のchapter7の答えを持ってる方いませんか?

CRITICAL POINT 2 GRAMMAR / EXPRESSION / STRUCTURE / IDIOM CONVERSATION / ACCENT / PRONUNCIATION 頻出 英文法。語法。構文·イディオム 会話表現·アクセント·発音 問題演習 ■センター試験~難関大対応 2つのステージで重要頻出事項をスパイラル演習 Second Stage ランダム形式実戦演習 First Stage 文法項目別演習 EMILE
FIRST STAGE Chapter7 一 会- Chapter 準動詞3 最び医歩の出 5. Something is wrong with the engine. I'm afraid it (ol ). (同志社大) O must repair の needs to repair ③ needs repairing © is necessary to repair. amob ead y2 d Lyo ー文法·語法一 )の中の動詞を不定詞か動名詞に変えなさい。vdo bod od @ 6“Doesn't this climate bother you?"o “A little, but after a while one gets used ( の be d on ( D hot. A (センター試験) 正しい文になるように、( nivnd (※桜美林大) 1. He avoided(give) an immediate answer to us. の for being 3 to be O to being . Have you ever considered (go) to live in another country? (森桃山大学) 8 7. The news of the destruction of the Soviet Union was ( us. 文(流通科学大) 0 much surprising to 2 much surprised to bodw 3. The president of the company refused (listen) to the advice of his managers. (※富山国際) 3 very surprising to O very surprised at )l fob ! 96 Jnob 1 bints l ① bnim cor o(法政大) O pleasing 4. You had better practice (speak) English for thirty minutes a day. (豪東京理科大) 8. He looked a little too ( )with his success. 0 please 2 pleases ③ pleased ate in Lol obn r llite dbum wolH 5. My friend promised (return) the book very soon. (※青山学院大) ) that so few people showed up. d d batieni (津田恭大) 2 disappointing の to disappoint 9. It was( の disappointed 3 our disappointment 6. We didn't mean (leave) Mary out of the plan. It was simply an oversight.(※桜美林大) L l uo1 n (on sus 519 mo ① noomails 9h 1ol es ome orf K 7. He narrowly escaped (be) run over. boo (※中京大) 大 10. I am( ) that he will pass the entrance examination. d (成城大) ③ convincing 0 convince 2 convinced の conviction 8. I suggested (buy) a new car but my husband said we could not afford. ) OY (※東北福祉大) 19eml fef cnbobiyob f brna besb sw ilrt 1ub berilbd oom a (明治学院大) 11. There was a road ( ) to the town on the other side of the river. の to lead 9. I remember (play) with John in that garden when we were young. (※姫路濁協大) o gnitnig ai 9 yiis9 ! 0 for leading 2 lead 3 leading 10. The poor woman tried (shout) out “Help!" but the word stuck in her throat. (※慶塵大) 12. This is an important notice. The people (ined ) should study it carefully. (福岡大) 0 concerning の concerned 3 Concern の to concern 2001909g omtxs 21ad yiG 7on nte pong (ン 2 Tbyo eomls m 空所に入れるのに最も適当な語 (旬) を選びなさい。n0m lo jol s sm po li ① bril o d 1 (Dら lil s Blb i ) 13. There is no honey ( ) in the pot. の leaving (桃山学院大) 1. I never see this photo without ( 0 reminding of 3 being reminded of の left )my happy days in the countryside. (同志社大) 2 reminding の reminded of 0 leave 3 to leave ourself ndi fnbiuowIO ) hopeless to carry out a search in the fog, the rescue party put off their (明治学院大) 14.( 9 E b の Deciding that it would be start. 2. Mary's father approved of ( to work toward her MA. ) in the United States for another in order O Decided that it would be year させなさい。 の To have decided it 2 she staying 間(東海大) 3 To decide it O her to stay の she to stay (龍谷大) 15.( ) for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote. 3. “How do you like this park?" “It's wonderful! I never dreamed of ( O being (o ne 2 Anxious nidaに2。 (センター追試) O His being anxious ) such a quiet place in this noisy city. の With being anxious の having been 3 He is anxious ③ there being の there to be bettet (玉川大) 16.( ) his work, the clerk couldn't go to the party. 4. Mr. Tanaka was upset by( D our not having told の Not having finished の Not finished ) him the truth. の Having not finished ③ Finishing not 立教大) 2 us not to tell 3 we didn't tell の our no telling 30
Chapter 7 会話問題 Chapter 7 17.( の To leave 一会話問題- O Left 3 On leaving の Leaving 5 空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを選びなさい。 A:Doesn't that hang-gliding look exciting? h B:Yes, but it's paragliding, actually, not hang-gliding. 13. Aie(are fea) laces dowemtowd. fogrsお () る B:Well, a hang-glider has a frame just like a large kite, while a paraglider is a ) Special kind of parachute, の 111wO How can you tell the difference? 18. There( 1 whch (センター試験) ③ being の having l 文一 0 were の had に d 3 上下の文が同じような意味を表すように、空所に適語を入れなさい。b lo eon bilw の D1oed ia の utn (奈駒沢大) I don't like people telling me what to do. I don't like ( 1. の How do you know about paragliding? ) nug o bb s ③ Why do you know about hang-gliding? ) told what to do. dw oda aw od の 15. He の Why. do you tell me the difference?hould の のwhich 2. A:Did you go to the concert last night?o snibns 16.B:I wanted to, but I had to work late instead, e helps の A:Oh, ( B:Yes, especially since I had a ticket.wh の I'm sorry you didn't like it. 17.I cO what time did you finish? (大国時 howeveougnoo s a lo ono a 3. A:What shall we do for dinner tonight? orte 18. B: How about trying that new Chinese place?y A:(wordd.) Let's have Italian. al ot beinsw sv1 ( B:Again? You always want pizza! OIalready had dinner. 3I don't know how to make Chinese food. 2. Do you mind my turning on the radio? Do you mind ( l s bodcol (昭和女子犬) P の in which ce whichever way ) turn on the radio? )pbbal(センター試験) neds 3. He insisted that I should go to church. syog wal oe ) to church. (専修大) Jonongwb (0. コ110eib 100 (モンター) He insisted( 2 what bad luck! he O you haven't gone? Jsd odT d の 10 hon 4. I could not go out because it rained heavily. The heavy rain prevented ( (同朋大) ) from ( ) out, ( bari 0mimo 5. Romeo believed that Juliet was dead, and he decided to kill himself. ) | OL 5ab ofT vta aセンター試験) dentists (※関西外語大) Romeo, ( ) that Juliet was dead, decided to kill himself,D anw op bal bnol 1ol 0 2I don't feel like Chinese tonight. 4 語(句)を並べかえなさい。 ogog siff 10n Cmi ns ai zidT omomot nin 『 qod yllen I" bie u ( 1. 私はもうすぐ18歳です。 子どもみたいに扱われるのはいやです。 日のI want to eat something Asian. )monT (立教大) I'm almost eighteen years old now. I (a / being / child / hate / like / treated). dout bdhe Oフォードの 射 女性と 対 4. [ Situation : Two friends talking in the scb0ol cafeteria ]d in a villane ( (明治学院大) Miki:How many classes are you taking this semester? l on i s19 loq ( )w T 8 m Alex:Only thirty or so. Just kidding - ten. 2. 自分たちが中流階級に属していると思っている日本人は大勢いる。 There are (as / belonging / Japanese / many / regard / themselves / to / who) the middle class. 画 Miki :Ten! ( Alex:I know, but I couldn't help myself. I love to learn. were on fire. の Is that what your father wants? atnuoo 1h i のタ (※京都女子大) )に色のの分! dbidw ni ® と の No way! That's not enough? の That's still way too many. on ① Ow i jard balbbyd da Only ten? I'm taking twelve. obivob 3 この大きな人たちが私の前に座っていてよく見えないんだ。 I can't see very well (these giant people / with / me / sitting / in front of). 6 That's the same as I'm taking. nese modessy iodobserdoy (福岡大) ーアクセント問題- すか。 g rbal o bro 0 skip lunch evey day That's lose mwahtulo mol 6 最も強く発音する音節を選びなさい。 4. 彼は腕を組んで立っていた。 (he / his arms / folded / was / standing / with) how aid ( arh の 5. in-tel-lect 00 ③ aif (※龍谷大) 1. sur-face、 2. de-gree と 3. ob-vi-ous 4. in-di-cate は0 dntknow 0 ② cot (3o 0 @ ③ aibp 0 @(③ or in on guivetl ( aln 1w 9. su-pe-ri-or 10. at-mos-phere 0000 alun dbidw ( alun odw to のditw lo aslun srb @ 7. ad-mi-ra-ble 8. of-fi-cial 000 nidain o 6. mos-qui-to 0 0 0OO0 0 @ 32


