

1 《長文読解〉 次の英文を読んで, あとの問いに答えなさい。 (福岡·改)(100点〉 CD I am Yasuko. Im fifteen years old. Last year I became sick and had to stay in the hospital for two months. I felt happy when my fanmily and friends visited me, but when they left the room, I became very lonely again. I wanted to go back to school, butaI couldn't. One day I was @ ( sit ) on the bed and ①( look ) out of the window. “Hi, Yasuko, how are you © (feel ) this afternoon ? What are you a ( think ) about ?" asked Ms. Tanaka.5 SB」 11 She was a nurse and took care of me in the hospital. She was ©( smile ) at me. I said, "My friends are O( have ) agood time at school now, but I'm lonely in this hospital. When can I go to school again ?" She said, "Oh, I know you feel very sad and lonely. Listen, Yasuko. If we don't lose hope, a happy time will come again. When I am sad, I always try to gthink like that." Some days later I spoke with her. “I think your job is not easy. You are always working 10 hard and have some difficult things to do. Do you want to change your job ?" "No, never, she answered. "My work is not very easy. But I don't want to change my job. Do you know why ? Because I feel very happy when I am ®( do ) my best for sick people." She looked happy then. Now I'm enjoying my school days again. I sometimes walk near the hospital and think of Ms. Tanaka. I learned very important things about life from her when I was in the hospital. I always remember her smile and her words, "You should not lose hope, Yasuko." 15 (1) 下線部Dで, 「できなかった」とありますが, 何ができなかったのですか。 次から1つ選び, 記号で答え [10点] なさい。 ア 学校にもどること。 ウ 友達を見舞うこと。 下線部②で, 「そのように思う」とありますが,それはどのように思うことですか。 その内容を本文中か イ 家族に会うこと。 I 病院に行くこと。 [15点) らさがし、日本語で書きなさい。 [もし、私が希を失わなけれはまた、新せな時間がくる )の~Bの語を適する形に直しなさい。 各6[42点) (a b C f) (4)本文の内容に合うように, ( )の, Bに適する語を書きなさい。 各10[20点) A ) of Yasuko when Yasuko was in the ( B ). B Ms. Tanaka took [13点] (5) 本文を参考にして, 次の日本文を英語に直しなさい。 あなたはここで何をしているのですか。 ●WORDS sick:病気のhospital : 病院 left: leave (去る)の過去形 Ionely: さびしい nurse: 看護師 take care of ~:~の世話をする lose: 失う hope: 希望 spoke: speak(話す)の過去形 change:かえる important: 大切な life:生命, 生き方 remember : 思い出す -21-


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

3の答えは2nd paragraph (第二段落)にそのまま書いてますよ。あんたここで何やってんのは あんた you ここで here 何what やってんの be+doing これを並び替えればできます。時間はかかるけど関西弁とかに一つづつ文章かきかえてみては? うち、靖子。15。去年病気やってもて… とか。面白い英語の本読むようにした方がいいですよ!


