
To devastating effect のtoの働きを教えて欲しいです!

and amphibians, The RLI values show that all of these animal groups are dropping in number, with corals facíng the greatest danger of extinction.) increasing armounts of gas, Coal and other fossil fuels over the past 150 years, Humans are endangering species in a variety of ways) (By burning people have elevated the levcl of carbon dioxidol Their RLI values dropped from about 0.97 in 1996 to just above 0.8 in 2010,/ rincluding the following four major animal groups: corals, birds, mammals, already disappeared! The IUCN has gathered data on numerous species, 5回 英語(リーディング) S B You are stidying bow human beings are affecting the planét. You are going SV to read the following article「to understand the human impact pn world animal populations For centuries, humans have changed the environment around them through activities such as farming, fishing and cutting down trees. However, today they are changing the natural world at a faster rate than ever before to devastating effect, A report by the United Nations (UN) shows that up to one milion species of plants and animals are in danger of going extinct. The loss of these species will destroy entire ecosystems/ threatening_the continued existence of humans all over the world. 2 The UN report draws on data gathered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (1UCN). The 1UCN created a Red List Index RLD that it uses to predict trends within different plant and animal groups. Croups with an RLI value of 1.0 are thOse that are not expected to become inct in the near future. Those with an RLI value of 0 are those that have a 3

