

1.Hey, you sly fox! と言った兵十はどんな気持ちだったのでしょう?日本語で 2.次の質問に英語で答えなさい。 Why did Gon think he is sorry? S.3strange thinas とはどのような事でしょう。日本語で具体的に書きなさい。 4.(A )に入る語として適切なものを選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア、then イ、to see ウ、when エ、that 5.「兵十は~思いました。」という一文を最後に書き加えるとしたら、どのような文にな でしょうか。下に書きなさい。
Gon, the Little Fox One day, Gon went down to the river. He saw Hyoju. He was (Dcatch fish and eels. Gon decided to playa trick on him. sly fox!” Gon jumped up and ran away with the eel. Ten days later, Gon saw a line of people. Thev were wearing white clourco. “Hyoju's mother probably died,” Gon said to himself. That night, Gon thought, “When Hyoju's mother was sick, she wanted to eat eel. But I stole it. Ah, I'm sorr)s Hyoju.” Gon's heart sank. From the next day. Gon brought many chestnuts and lelt them at Hyoju's house. One night, Hyoju said to his neighbor. “These days ③ strange things are happening. Every day I find chestnuts at my door. Someone brings them ( A ) I'm not at home. If you don't believe me, come to my house tomorrow." The next day Gon brought chestnuts again. But this time Hyoju saw him. “Is he here to play a trick again? I'll stop him.” Hyoju picked up his rifle and shot. Bang! Gon fell to the ground. Hyoju looked around and ④found the chestnuts. “It was you! You brought the chestnuts," he said. Gonnodded weakly. The rifle fell from Hyoju's hand. Smoke was still rising from the barrel.


