

JEB2A1-P1A401 高校 S0-GA19-1AS (配点 21) 4 次の英文を読んで, あとの設問に答えなさい。 Palau* is a country in the South Pacific*. Do you know the national f。 Palau? It is similar to* the lapanese one. It shows friendship and respect* After World War I, Japan governed* Palau. About 25,000 Japanese peoni moved to Palau and lived there at that time, and many of them were from Okinawa. My grandparents also came to Palau from Okinawa. At first, the:. new life was good. Japan built schools and hospitals in Palau and m. grandparents worked there. My grandfather was a teacher, and m.. grandmother was a nurse. They worked together with people in Palan Palau developed* very much and they hada good time in Palau. But World War II started. and in 1944 Palau became a battlefield*. Manw Japanese soldiers* died in the war, but most Palauans* didn't die. Japanese soldiers protected* them during the war. So, Palauans showed their deen thanks to the Japanese. After the war, my grandparents had no home and no と food.They had seven children, so they needed ( ①) things. Then, the 15 Palauans helped the Japanese in many ways. They said, “You protected us during the war. rebuilt* -their lives. 5 10 2NOW it's our turn. With their help, my grandparents 本Palau and Japan had a good relationship* ( ③ ) and this relationship still Scontinues( ④ ). 9di(注) Palau= パラオ the South Pacific= 南太平洋 Nex be similar to ~ = ~に似ている respect= 尊敬 ligoverned= (統治する)の過去形 developed = develop (発展する)の過去形 (注) battlefield%= 戦場 soldier= 兵士 Palauan= パラオ人 protected = protect (~を守る)の過去形 rebuilt=rebuild (再建する)の過去形 relationship= 関係 youcas (1) 下線部ア~エのうち3つは同じ人々を指している。ほかの3つと異なる人々を指し ているものを1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 (2) 本文の流れに合うように, 空所①に入れるのに最も適当な語を次のア~エの中から1 つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア much イ few ウ many エ no 12
験 下線部のの内容を具体的に表すものとして、 最も適当なものを次のア~エの中から1 JEB2A1-P1A4-02 つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア 戦争中は日本人が戦ってくれたので, 今度はパラオの人たちも兵士になる。 ィ戦争中は多くの兵士が亡くなったので,今度は子供たちがパラオの人たちのため に働く。 ウ 戦争中は日本人がパラオで働いたので, 今度はパラオの人たちが日本で働く。 ェ 戦争中は日本人がパラオ人を助けてくれたので, 今度はパラオの人たちが日本人 を助ける。 (4)本文の流れに合うように, 空所③, ④に入れるのに最も適当な語句を, 次の選択肢か ら選び,それぞれ書きなさい。ただし,各選択技は1度しか使えないものとする。 at that time ; today ; in the future 試験時間 10:40~11: (5) 次のア~エの中で, 本文の内容と一致しないものを1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア After World War I, many Japanese moved to Palau and Ilived there. イ Japan built schools and hospitals in Palau and Japanese worked there. 30(50分) ウ Many Japanese soldiers and many Palauans died in World War I. エ After World War II, the Palauans were kind to the Japanese.


