
和訳をしていたのですが、写真のとこの和訳が、1枚目のようにコンマの前までにBecause ofがかかってコンマ以降はそれまま訳すのか、二枚目の写真のように全部にBecause ofがかかるのか分からないです。

Because of this difference between law and practice, many single Saudi woman are now taking their guardians to court and demanding the right to make their own decisions.
Because ofthis difference between law and practice) many single Saudi woman are now taking their guardians to court and demanding the right to make their own decisions
Women often don't have the same rights and opportunities as men in work, sch0ol, ワード数 (解答·解説:員員 別冊 pp.24-27) TR19-21 速読目標時間 (wpm:100w/m) 制限時間 1回目 2回目 Unit 6 20分 2分31秒 分 秒 251 分 DATAI 秒 (50pts) Read the text and answer the questions below. 01 politics, marriage, and freedom of movement. This is called the gender gap. Even in North America and Europe, women are still behind men in wages and salary, management positions, and *representation in government. This gap is the most visible 05 in Middle Eastern countries, where women have long been regarded as Second-class Citizens. But (1,the situation is changing. Women are challenging ancient rules and 1deas. They are taking major steps toward independence and equality and trying hard to create a fairer society. In Saudi Arabia, for example, there is an old practice known as "adhl.” An@ 10 unmarried woman is put under the control of her male *guardian, who is most often her father. He makes all the decisions about her life, especially who she can marry and how she can spend the money the family earns. Under adhl, women cannot travel or enter hospitals without a male guardian's permission. He is even allowed by custom to beat any woman who doesn't obey him. 15 Adhl is illegal. The "Islamic law "set down in *the Quran forbids it, although that doesn't keep rit from being widely carried out. Because of this difference between law and practice, many /aSingle Saudi women are now "taking their guardians to court and What's more, they are expressing demanding the right to make their own decisions. themselves in the media. People around the world are starting to know about the -0 unfairness of the practice. Jim Knudsen, Global Concepts: English for International Understanding, 南雲震堂. 2011.


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

コンマまでがbecause ofにかかります。
Because of ~は「~のために」とか「~のせいで」とか原因理由を表します。
Because of this difference で「この違いのために」
between A and B AとBの間
つまりlaw 「法律」とpractice 「実際」の間







because of の後ろには名詞しか来れないので、many single Saudi women are という文に because of が掛かることは有り得ません


