

英文 國中


子吃。 是一座 包月的 三代 的島 ** -招号 Firen 25. What does Zack mean when he says. "It's not rocket science"? (A) Finishing a science report is easy. (B) Deciding on a gift is not that difficult. (C) He is smarter than Shelly and Karen. (D) Getting some good sleep is very important. (26~28) EJReading Listen to Books Are your eyes tired after you work in front of the computer for hours? Do you want to read, but your eyes really need a rest? Don't worry. We read for you. A book on EJReading only costs 3 to 15 dollars, and you can listen to it as many times as you want. What's more, with EJReading, you don't need to carry a book around. You can listen to different audiobooks anytime and anywhere on your cellphone. Book of the Month For this book, there are 4 choices: Michael Davis Michael Davis reads the story word by word in a warm voice. Ann Lee Ann Lee reads the story vividly. It's like you're $3.99 watching a movie when you listen to her. James Williams James Williams tells you the key points of each chapter and helps you get the big picture of the Word by Word Behind the Word The Trip to Lucerne By Lewis Anderson (2015) -Lewis Anderson's most famous book. -A book to change your life story. Kate Green Through looking at each character closely and explaining their actions, Kate Green helps us take a deeper look into the story. She also shares her opinions of the story with us. $3.99 $6.99 $8.99 1 : : ABOD * $10 for a Word by Word and a Behind the Word. * Place your order by June 30 to get a $5 gift card. ABOD audiobook character # vividly 1 chapter opinion & 26. Who would most likely use EJReading? likely T (A) Jessica. She is a teacher. She loves reading and often goes to the library. (B) Mandy. She is a student. She studies hard, but she hates reading in her free time. (C) Mike. He is an engineer. He loves reading, but his eyes are too tired after work. (D) Ethan. He is a cook. He enjoys listening to different songs when he's at work. ABCD 27. What CAN'T we learn from the web page of EJReading? web page (A) There are about 10,000 audiobooks for people to choose from on EJReading. (B) It costs less than 5 dollars to listen to Ann Lee read The Trip to Lucerne. (C) The Trip to Lucerne is Lewis Anderson's most famous book. (D) If you want to listen to someone share his / her ideas about The Trip to Lucerne, you can pick Kate Green. 28. Nancy read The Trip to Lucerne after it was on the market in 2015. In a study group next Saturday, she wants to share her thoughts on the story with everyone. However, although she really loves the story, she still forgets some parts of it She doesn't need to listen to every word again, and she already has her own ideas about the story.) To help herself remember the important points in some chapters in a short time, which might she choose? thought (A) Word by Word-Michael Davis. (B) Word by Word-Ann Lee. (C) Behind the Word-James Williams. (D) Behind the Word-Kate Green. cup of life

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英文 高中

想請問第❻題 我理解的是 以「我們現在的角度」覺得「當時他吃的蘋果」,用現在式 是不是我對這個文法的用法觀念錯誤或題意該怎麼理解?非常感謝!!🙏🏼

si Apples have been grown by man since the dawn of history. They are often mentioned in early legends, poems, and religious books. The fruit that the Bible says 6 an apple. The ancient among 45, Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden is believed to Greeks had a legend that a golden apple caused fighting among the gods and 7 Bous the ruin of Troy.odt nodw sinigriv medno ot asilqque niort driw von Apple trees were grown and prized for their fruit by the people of ancient Rome, in 801 armies carried apples across Europe, planting seeds wherever they settled. As apples spread around the world, different varieties emerged to cope with their new B es fresh and again, having to l found in the place where they lived show that they stored apples fresh and also The crossing of t sw prodmon nishiso of botis & To so valouls esti todien nodions jofts nous them by cutting and drying them in the sun. The apple was introduced to America molliteroque srl to ono trods algst garestsin omge brit tol wor early European settlers. Soon, America has become one of the top countries for an 19bbel golsw production. 6 (A) have to be 180 forsitario y 7 (A) accounted for jeton 8 (A) which goo stradiv lavorar v [6132 10 (A) preserved strilio moto ni enotnesque uslugoq ings of historical characters and stories Tobbs, 8.1 nu allow ody, nosies of guiou be (B) being (C) be (D) have been sveiled ama2, 290TUoIdiazpato alwa 18 (B) stormed out inti (C) checked up mm (D) exploded into b) whose law off (C) where ng had (D) ansit s bombbal gains a 28-1908 way, (B) ty that establish was driven off co in November 162 During that influenza type o and wit (D) Instead of 1621. With th STACIO DO (B) Due tod(C) As for anllaw (D) blue-a Wei Da conserved a herals (D deserved 500 has beg Although 280 ali on vw to trigit of arobbal edi qu qoon base bas allow ad no 219 hey eventuall and wash landscape relied on vivid brushwork, and yang 二、文意選填 sit evallom 9 (A) But for A destination (F) expected ba 主題 4 歷史文明 099 (B) reserved Sto od) Isclob of lio galiod woq oj zew notaevni 101 292noigh orli to on t's com store as well as his own amour supplies o individuals sustainable (J) corrupting R permit to weakened for (D) suppli rewarded 49 (G) leaking (G) leaking good 三、篇章結棒 Life be otac th

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英文 高中


ALL STARS SNOOPY CHARLIE BROWN, Social Studies Expert 43 The First and Funniest Comic Strip NU T NO.0816 ALL STARS ★ CHARLIE A Courtesy of andertoons/flickr P eanuts is one of the most popular comic strips of all time. First appearing on October 2, 1950, Peanuts eventually ran in more than 2,600 newspapers in 75 countries. The comic had a major influence on other strips by making the four- panel comic strip the standard in American newspapers. Charlie Brown and Snoopy are just 15 two of the many characters created by cartoonist Charles M. Schulz. Like Charlie Brown, Schulz was a very shy boy in school. He also felt like a failure when his high school refused to put his 20 artwork in its yearbook. Even so, he learned to carry on through hard times. 5 The main character of Peanuts is the shy, lovable loser Charlie Brown. It seems that whatever Charlie Brown tries to do, he fails. Whenever he flies a kite, it gets stuck in a tree; he loses every baseball game; he never receives any cards on Christmas or Valentine's Day. Nonetheless, he wins over the reader's heart because he never gives up hope and never stops trying. Another popular character in Peanuts is Charlie Brown's dog, Snoopy. Snoopy 10 is a beagle with a vivid imagination. Sitting atop his doghouse, he daydreams about being a World War I jet pilot, a best-selling author, and "Joe Cool," a cool college student. Also, even though he's just a dog, he's the best player on Charlie Brown's baseball team. ▲ Charles M. Schulz 127

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英文 高中

第五題 為什麼不能選A 求解,謝謝

第1回 詳解 P1~P2 一、綜合測驗 1 67 19 6 7 2 8 People like Jimmy for the dreamlike fantasy world he creates, a land of joy and sorrow. at the I 11 Jimmy, a fine art major, had already become a successful artist by the early 1990s. However, in the spring of 1995, Jimmy 白,血病 1. with leukemia. He wondered what messages Heaven 博强 was trying to convey to him. He cried often. His heart grew more 2. with each passing to z day. Even the sight of pigeons resting outside his sickroom could make him start to weep Kit 花掉 IN uncontrollably. Because of this severe blow, Jimmy began to view the world in a completely Titi13 different light." He suddenly realized that drawing was not only a means of making a living, but e 表尊 also a channel 3. he could express his feelings and his thoughts to the world. Actually, Jimmy's picture books seem to 4. more for adult readers than for children. They express 小事 Eshte Re. The 5. the crisis he experienced vividly sad and joyful feelings triggered by trivial matters. 洞察力, 大量,許多 in his early thirties, Jimmy might not have had new insight into life and art and enjoyed such a trivial to boj 2 of 67 blow FJ great deal of success. Severe Weak iz (D) had diagnosed B 1. ) is diagnosed (B) was diagnosed (***)) has diagnosed (C) effective Tašky 67 (D) sensitive SK 67 H 密道 (D) to which (D be intending (D) Had it not been for 有脑錢 D 2. (A) aggressive Ta The LB 6JB) positive E ma by CB 3. (A) which (B) that (C) through which B 4. (A) intend (B) be intended (C) intending DA 5. (A) With (B) Were it not for (C) But that lilo to read short stories because we like to know people. We like to watch them to each other, 7. life treats them, and how the

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英文 高中

想問第3題為什麼which前面要加through 為什麼不能選B 感謝

第1回 詳解 P1~P2 一、綜合測驗 1 67 19 6 7 2 8 People like Jimmy for the dreamlike fantasy world he creates, a land of joy and sorrow. at the I 11 Jimmy, a fine art major, had already become a successful artist by the early 1990s. However, in the spring of 1995, Jimmy 白,血病 1. with leukemia. He wondered what messages Heaven 博强 was trying to convey to him. He cried often. His heart grew more 2. with each passing to z day. Even the sight of pigeons resting outside his sickroom could make him start to weep Kit 花掉 IN uncontrollably. Because of this severe blow, Jimmy began to view the world in a completely Titi13 different light." He suddenly realized that drawing was not only a means of making a living, but e 表尊 also a channel 3. he could express his feelings and his thoughts to the world. Actually, Jimmy's picture books seem to 4. more for adult readers than for children. They express 小事 Eshte Re. The 5. the crisis he experienced vividly sad and joyful feelings triggered by trivial matters. 洞察力, 大量,許多 in his early thirties, Jimmy might not have had new insight into life and art and enjoyed such a trivial to boj 2 of 67 blow FJ great deal of success. Severe Weak iz (D) had diagnosed B 1. ) is diagnosed (B) was diagnosed (***)) has diagnosed (C) effective Tašky 67 (D) sensitive SK 67 H 密道 (D) to which (D be intending (D) Had it not been for 有脑錢 D 2. (A) aggressive Ta The LB 6JB) positive E ma by CB 3. (A) which (B) that (C) through which B 4. (A) intend (B) be intended (C) intending DA 5. (A) With (B) Were it not for (C) But that lilo to read short stories because we like to know people. We like to watch them to each other, 7. life treats them, and how the

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