

第1回 詳解 P1~P2 一、綜合測驗 1 67 19 6 7 2 8 People like Jimmy for the dreamlike fantasy world he creates, a land of joy and sorrow. at the I 11 Jimmy, a fine art major, had already become a successful artist by the early 1990s. However, in the spring of 1995, Jimmy 白,血病 1. with leukemia. He wondered what messages Heaven 博强 was trying to convey to him. He cried often. His heart grew more 2. with each passing to z day. Even the sight of pigeons resting outside his sickroom could make him start to weep Kit 花掉 IN uncontrollably. Because of this severe blow, Jimmy began to view the world in a completely Titi13 different light." He suddenly realized that drawing was not only a means of making a living, but e 表尊 also a channel 3. he could express his feelings and his thoughts to the world. Actually, Jimmy's picture books seem to 4. more for adult readers than for children. They express 小事 Eshte Re. The 5. the crisis he experienced vividly sad and joyful feelings triggered by trivial matters. 洞察力, 大量,許多 in his early thirties, Jimmy might not have had new insight into life and art and enjoyed such a trivial to boj 2 of 67 blow FJ great deal of success. Severe Weak iz (D) had diagnosed B 1. ) is diagnosed (B) was diagnosed (***)) has diagnosed (C) effective Tašky 67 (D) sensitive SK 67 H 密道 (D) to which (D be intending (D) Had it not been for 有脑錢 D 2. (A) aggressive Ta The LB 6JB) positive E ma by CB 3. (A) which (B) that (C) through which B 4. (A) intend (B) be intended (C) intending DA 5. (A) With (B) Were it not for (C) But that lilo to read short stories because we like to know people. We like to watch them to each other, 7. life treats them, and how the


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

Had not been for 是「要不是沒有⋯」的意思




