

物理 高中

想問第一題答案C是是怎麼出來的 為什麼這題不能用動量守恆解? 謝謝!

一、單選題:每題8分,共48分 ) 1.在撞球遊戲中,給白球一個初速率00,撞上一組靜止的15個色球後,全部16個球 經歷多次的球與球及球與邊的碰撞,一段時間後,測出某瞬間全部16個球的速率 0均相同,求v為若干?(假設16個球質量皆相同,所有碰撞均為彈性碰撞且不考 xve mVo+mx0x16 m+mith 1674 慮球的轉動,球檯質量視為無限大) (A) Vo 2 (D) (B) 10 (C) 20 Vo 15 (E)16 4 (C)2. 試依據下圖所示的條件,判定A、B兩球之正向碰撞是屬於哪一類型的碰撞? P A B A B 8m/s O- 2m/s---O 10kg 20kg (A)完全彈性碰撞 (B)完全非彈性碰撞 (D)非完全彈性碰撞 (E)資料不足無法判斷 2 ☆動量守恆 20:5 8x10 = -2x10+xx20 84 8x10=-2x10+Xx20 15 (C)非彈性碰撞 ) 3. 如右圖所示,一個內壁光滑的圓柱筒容器,高度h=20m,直徑 d=4 m。一顆小球從圓柱頂端A處沿直徑方向水平射出,在B 處和器壁產生無能量損失的完全彈性碰撞後被彈射回來,如此往 復彈射整數次後落到容器底部,設水平射出的初速度為v=10 2設重力加速度g=10m/s²) (E) 6 10=54+10+=+20+-10号 目撞離地高:202号-210 A球V撞=20-x10=16=B' B A v=10m/s >0==gt mt=2 4m=19mx 20m 1-5 6 5 x=5 撞」課程中所學,兩等質量物體進行彈碰會發生速 實驗進行操作與測量。她們分別取得同質量的A、 20m/s鉛直上拋,同時千媳則將B球擺置在A球 2.設兩球在空中作要向彈8 4m

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英文 高中


WISDOM ENGLISH broader of the D Talk their iver als. out of d Unit 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience a student exchange program has really opened my eyes 2 the cultural differences between my country and Taiwan. One of the most memorable parts of my trip was when host family invited me to a wedding banquet in Kaohsiung. my 3 arriving at the banquet, I soon realized that it was totally different from what I'd expected. Back in the US, banquets are usually held in large dining halls. This one, taking place right out on the street! 4 was tent occupied nearly half the street. However, none of the pedestrians or the people in passing vehicles looked like they cared. Under the tent, guests sat at large round tables, chatting cheerfully. At one end of this temporary tent, there were cooks and assistants up shelter all the guests from the fierce sun, a huge delicious-looking food. 7 6 energetically to prepare platters of quite curious about how this fascinating custom of "open-air" banquets had first come about, I asked my host parents. The host father explained that this kind of banquet, known as a "ban- doh" in Taiwanese, 8 in the countryside. In the old days, when people gathered for a special event such as a wedding or an elder's birthday, everyone in the neighborhood would 10 9 to a ban-doh. The host would prepare all ingredients for the meal, and the neighbors would help out. Some would do the cooking, while others might provide tables, chairs, and eating utensils or assist in other ways. They would then all relax and enjoy the banquet together. The ban-doh back then was all about enjoying a sense of community and togetherness. Having the chance to experience this fascinating event, I feel truly lucky. It is the first story that I will share with my friends and family when they ask me about my student exchange experience in Taiwan. (A)1. (A)Taking part in 0809 (A) backward 4 (0) 3. (A) Upon B)4. B) 5. (A) Putting (A) In other words (D) in front of Until (D) In particular (B) Took part in (B) toward (C) Takes part in (C) regarding (D)Taken part in (B) as soon as (B) on the other hand (B) Put the moment (C) additionally (C)To put (D) Have put B) 6. (A) work (B) working 7. (A) Were (B) Feel XC) t (C) Being to work (D) worked 8. (A) originate (B) originating (C) to originate (D) Felt (D) originated (9. (A)cooperate (B) introduce (C) initiate (D) correspond ) 10. (A) revenge (B) arrange (C) arrest (D) commit

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