

英文 高中


DB 01 Novuss is a game of skill that's popular in parts of Eastern and Northern Europe. It's similar to pocket billiards, _11___ players use their sticks to hit small discs instead of pool balls. To succeed and be victorious, players must use strategy and have the patience to wait for the best opportunities. The origin story of Novuss is that it was ONE _12___ by clever sailors who wanted to play billiards on their ship, earning the game the nickname "sea billiards." ERANO #BIR PRE playable, they had to devise some important _13__. The andard billiards table and was place placed on a bile. This way, not only could it be set up quickly but it could be BizTo make their version of billiards p table was designed to be smaller and e smaller and lighter than a standard stand, 14 4— the table more mobile. This 1992 (A) disassembled and stored away after games in an instant. The sailors also replaced the pool balls mi. ani poleti with discs, which wouldn't move around as much ildn't move around as much when the ocean waves got15. From t these Joint na professional Novuss tournaments were held in 1932, and soon after, Novuss became the national sport of Latvia. PROTESTO (8) agoitstapaxe ( humble beginnings, Novuss slowly spread to vuss slowly spread to countries around the world. The first profe noithermo 2 11. (A) because of gniog (B) while nimom WoTI(C) despite qu tog noyex ai tl.E (D) except eldsaivbs (0) 12. (A) conceived 1602B000 (3) (B) transported svianstai (8) (C) purchased trommons ( D) nominated 791A A ed ingin or tent go of beatings shasTiM ni 25mit Istover 13. (A) possessions (B) recommendations (C) comparisons (D) modifications LE atso ten of orgtells ) made wi (8) (B) making() (C) gaiterom B C15. (A) bitter 14. (A) make HUBY (1) itter tio brit (B) frozen outorot bas (C) rough (D) to make Tuan (A) (D) stable . ofta

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英文 高中


Global Issues The White Helmets of Syria That has been described as the greatest humanitarian crisis What of the 21st century began in early 2011 with the outbreak of civil war in Syria. For years, this conflict has raged, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. In addition to the horrible death toll, millions of Syria's citizens have been left homeless or displaced. In fact, the conflict has led to the biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War. Warta simmi Like i Leves cooki 539 dedorq yiripid ei 31 opp JELENT 64 1. D B alos ni bib yo HET PROB Although it may seem that all hope is lost in that tiny part of the world, there is one organization that has been fighting for years to save lives. While it is officially called the Syria Civil Defence or SCD, its members are better known simply as the white helmets. They are volunteers who rush to bombing sites to rescue survivors and give people hope. They often show little regard for their own personal safety, and a great many have been killed or injured attempting to save the lives of others. The white helmets organization was established in rebel-controlled areas that were under constant air attack by government forces. The strategy of the government had been to target not only rebel fighters who opposed them but also the civilians living in the area. Rockets and bombs often destroyed entire neighborhoods, leaving countless innocent people dead and dying. To make matters worse, the government offered no official support since it was the one causing the destruction. Things changed in 2014, however, when the SCD was established. Its white-helmeted members began working tirelessly to pull people from the rubble and give them urgent medical care. It is estimated that they have saved close to 150,000 lives since then. In 2016, the SCD was recognized for its humanitarian efforts when it was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. 2.

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英文 高中

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USC c) in (C) at first terminal (D) illness (E) frailer (H) difference (I) from (J) confined The doctors had some bad news for Jo Bloomer. Her second child, Lola, had a very rare 21. condition known as A-T. 22. she couldn't accept the fact that her family was so unlucky. A-T is so uncommon that, at the time, only sixty children in the UK suffered 23. it. Three-year-old Lola's condition meant she would gradually grow 24. She would then start to develop more and more disabilities*. Most A-T sufferers are 25. to a wheelchair by the age of ten. Eventually, she would die from this strange 26. __, probably in her early twenties. Luckily for Lola, her mother 27. to simply sit around and wait for her daughter to grow weaker and then die. Life, 28. was just too precious. Instead, she wanted to do something special for her. She wanted to make a significant 29. in her life. All this led Jo to make a promise. Holding her daughter 30. her arms, she vowed* to take her to each of the Seven Wonders of the World before she died. She was going to help little Lola live her short life to the full! 註:disability 缺陷;障礙 Vow 立誓 U I 21. 22. J . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. . I GE EG IV. 閱讀測驗:9% The movie Patch Adams was released in 1998. Based on the life of Dr. Hunter "Patch” Adams, it tells the story of a man who firmly believes laughter to be the best medicine. The famous comic actor Robin Williams plays the lead role. His wonderful portrayal of the doctor's quest* to relieve as much suffering as possible led the film to be nominated* for several awards.

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英文 高中


題答對者,得1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。 9 第31至40 題為題組 Gugu Mbatha-Raw loved ballet and tap when she was little. Her later 31 in choir, band and plays helped her earn a place in the renowned Royal Academy of Dramatic Art by the age of 17. By 22, she was winning nominations 32 Juliet alongside Andrew Garfield's Romeo on the professional stage. Mbatha-Raw played Ophelia in a West End 33 of Hamlet that was shipped to Broadway, and she has worked 34 in the U.S. ever since. Mbatha-Raw is the daughter of a black South African man and a white British woman, but she is not held back by skin color. "I feel as much white as I do black. And so it's really important to me to address the 35 of gender and identity in my work.” She did just that in the film Belle, 36G she played the biracial child of a British officer and an African slave in the 1700s. Through her fabulous acting, audiences are able to understand a mixed race young woman's struggle to find a place in the society of that time. In another significant role, Mbatha-Raw 37B a burned-out pop star in the 2014 film Beyond the Lights. The lead character wants to stay 38 to herself while the pressure of fame pushes her to the edge. In the end, the pop star finds redemption Barot 39 suicide. This and other central roles in recent films 40 l a desire to speak for the women in industry. "I want to be involved in more work that presents women not just strong women but as real, multidimensional women." Based on her success so far, it seems that Mbatha-Raw will be known for both her acting talent and her commitment to truth, she is bound to reach even greater heights in the near future. (A) true (B) attempting bit (C) production (D) portrayed (E) issues (F) as (G) where (H) steadily (1) involvement, so) demonstrate 3-3 SX

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