

英文 國中

急!! 英文文法選擇 原本以為沒問題了結果上禮拜寫的今天改 錯超多 我沒有英文講義也不知道讀什麼 目前在翻clear上大大們的筆記😥 (這頁錯的都不知道為什麼 求解 沒有詳解) 123不用

Made by Andie (2022.4.25) 22. Tom, don't forget (A) take out the garbage before you leave the classroom. (U10) (C) taking (B) to take (D) be taking 123. Mike is so crazy that he spent all his money. computer games. (U10) DA) to buy (B) buys spending bought (D) buying 124. Everyone is ready (A) welcome the big star. They look so excited now. (U10) (B) to welcome (C) welcoming (D) to be welcomed 125. What I really like is at home and listening to some light music on weekends. (U10) (B) stays (A) stay (C) staying (D) to be staying 126. Remembering facts (U10) easy, but we must learn how to use (B) is; them (C) were; it (A) are; it (D) be; them B 0227. the train on time, Jenny goes to the station twenty minutes earlier than usual. (U10) (A) Catch (B) Catching (C) Be caught (D) To catch 128. When learning something, . the same mistakes is stupid and never learn well. (U10) A) keeping make (B) keeping making (C) keep making (D) keep to make a ACCIALIO 129. It is smart you that you can tell right from wrong. (U10) (B) of (C) for (D) with 130. Giving up isn't easy for heavy smokers. But for their health, they'd better try to do that. (U10) C (A) smoke (B) to smoke (C) smoking (D) to be smoked 131. kind to people isn't an easy thing. Yet, if everyone can try to, we can make this world friendlier. (U10) (A) Be (B) Being (C) Been (D) Do 132. I was surprised you had started to smoke again when your father told me that. (U10) (A) know (B) to know (C) knew (D) knowing takes my girlfriend too much time. Her only interest after work is keeping buying. (U10) B [33. B(A) Go shopping (B) Going shopping (C) To go shop (D) Go to shop 134. Jean her son walk to school now. She thinks he's old enough to do things on his own. (U10) G (A) askes (B) tells (C) has (D) wants 135. Sam has difficulty (A) living on his own. He's been out of work for a while, and has only little saving. (U10) (B) live (C) lives (D) to live 136. Helen stopped eating. at her son because he broke the dish. (U10) (A) shout (B) shouting (C) to shout (D) to shouting V137. I remembered the door, but it was unlocked when I got home. (U10) 2 AJA) (B) to lock (D) being locked (C) locked (A) locking 138. Though watching movies was quite interesting to me, now it never _____. (U11) (D) did & A) is (C) does (B) was movie, and all of us were by the story. (U11) 139. That was a (B) touched; touching (D) touching; touched noh is coming for my birthday. He always brings many gifts for me. (U11) (C) touched; touch B²24. Apps. (A) touching; touch

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國文 國中

求解說😢 解析搞的我好亂🤯

忙到 传 辦宴席的 9 0 2 -PP (D)8.「古之聖人,知天下後世之變,非智慮之所能周,非法術之所能制;不敢肆其私 8. 利用句號、分號: 斷句,可分為謀詭計,而唯積至誠、用大德,以結乎天心;使天眷其德,若慈母之保赤子而不 部分。第一至第忍釋。故其子孫,雖有至愚不肖者足以亡國,而天空不忍優亡之。此處之遠者也 三部分說出聖人 夫苟不能自結於天,而欲以區區之智,籠絡當世之務,而後世之無危亡,此 貼「知道世事多變, 心非常人可考慮周理之所必無者,而豈天道哉!」(方孝儒深慮論)以下有關本文的解讀何者正確? 健全,故仍需要積(A)古代的聖人認為人類的智謀足以預測未來的局勢日期,並未提到不油不共, 隨德請上天庇佑; 第三部分文中僅提到公恢母匙 第四、五部分(B)用政治手段或謀略詭計方能完全控制國家的變化 可能出現 敬 是強調深謀遠慮(C)上天因感受到母親對孩子的慈愛而不讓國家滅亡的智力条,亚非一人長久以來的 賜的人知道若有積 習慣)由第五部分可知為正解。 教德,則後代子孫(D)憑藉大德感動天心是使國家能夠安然存在的關鍵 教即使愚昧昏庸,則上天也不忍捨棄;第六部分說明若無積德,單純想以智謀治理國家是不可能的。(AB)由第一部分 師 可知世事與國家興衰並非常人可思慮周全,需積德請上天庇佑(C)由第四、五部分可知上天因感受到積德之人而不忍 捨棄他的後代(D)由第六部分可知其正確。題幹語譯古代的聖人,知道國家將來的變化,不是人的智謀能考慮周全的 也不是政治手段能控制的;不敢濫用權謀詭計,只是積累真誠,用大德來感動天心,使上天顧念他(對百姓)的 恩德;像慈母保護初生嬰兒那樣不忍心捨棄。儘管他的子孫有愚笨不賢良足以使國家滅亡的,而上天卻不忍心立即 滅其家國,這才是思慮深遠呀!假如不能用大德赢得天心,僅憑著微不足道的智謀,包攬天下的事務,想使國家不 會因此危亡,這從道理上是講不過去的,難道天意會如此安排嗎? 76 國文文意新8課

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