


自然科學 大學


9 1. (0)目前最小,構造最簡單之微小生物為(A)細菌(B)乳酸菌(C)徵菌(D)病 毒2. (b)微生物之大小約為(A)1-10mm (B)1-10um (C)1-10mm (D)1-10m 3. (D)下列何者非真菌類(A)酵母菌(B)靈芝(C)徵菌(D)乳酸菌 4. (b )下列何者非真核生物(A)酵母菌(B)人類(C)大腸桿菌(D)靈芝 5. (b)生物之五界不包括(A)動物界(B)細菌界(C)植物界(D)真菌界(E)原生生 物界 1. D)下列哪一位科學家用自製之國微鏡觀察生物?(A)李斯特(B)李文霍克 (C)巴斯德(D)柯霍 2. (b)“腐肉生姐”之論述屬於(A)生源論(B)自然發生說(C)進化論(D)生命 來自另一生命物質 3. (C)吃細菌之病毒稱為(A)AIDS 病毒(B)菌病毒(C)嗜菌體(D)濾過性病毒 4. (C)存在大腸桿菌中,且常被用來執行基因工程之一圓形小的DNA),叫做 (A)擬核區(B)染色體(C)質體(D)基因 5. (C)下列哪一位科學家提出生源論?(A)虎克(B)李文霍克(C)巴斯德(D)柯霍 1. (b)英國科學家佛萊明研究金黃色葡萄球菌時受徽菌污染因而發現何種抗生 素(A) streptomycin (B) penicillin (C) tetracycline (D) erythromycin 2. (2)英國科學家佛萊明研究哪種微生物時因時受徽菌污染因而發現抗生素 (A)大腸桿菌(B)酵母菌(C)病毒(D)金黃色葡萄球菌 1. (V ) 下列哪一位科學家建立疾病的細菌根源說?(A)虎克(B)李文霍克(C)巴 斯德(D)柯霍 2. (2)微生物之科學命名包括”屬名”及(A)真名(B)科名(C)株名(D)種名 3. (0 DDNA 雙螺旋結構是由科學家Watson 與下列何者所發表?(A)Pasteur (B) Koch (C) Fleming (D) Crick 4. (C)吃細菌之病毒稱為(A)AIDS 病毒(B)菌病毒(C)嗜菌體(D)濾過性病毒 5.(C)存在大腸桿菌中,且常被用來執行基因工程之一圓形小的 DNA,叫做 (A)擬核區(B)染色體(C)質體(D)基因 (C)1. (10X 接目鏡與 400接物鏡下觀察菌體放大倍數為多少倍?(A)40 (B)100 (C)400 (D)1000 (b)2. 何種顯微鏡使用可見光當照明源,標本呈現在亮背景中?(A)暗視野顯 微鏡(B)亮視野顯微鏡(C)螢光顯微鏡(D)以上皆非 (*)1. 大腸桿菌之革蘭氏染色結果為(A)粉紅色(B)黃色(C)藍紫色(D)黑色 (四)2. 有外膜的細菌屬於(A) 革蘭氏陽性菌(B)革蘭氏陰性菌(C)酵母菌(D)徵 菌·革蘭氏染色時依序需要哪四種試劑處理? (B)1.下列哪一種細菌之超微結構不在細胞壁外面(A)鞭毛(B)細胞膜(C)線毛 (D)夾膜 (C)1.下列對原核細胞與真核細胞之描述何者為非?(A)原核細胞無細胞核(B) 真核細胞有細胞壁(C)原核細胞沒有細胞壁(D)真核細胞含細胞核 次

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數學與統計 大學

33題,有人可以幫我列算式就好嗎 是波氏分配(卜瓦松分配)題目

CHMAPTER 6 smen er replacem es, muff plecitlons w 1r 同 the numper oftransmissf sen0C7 polsson 昌關 dmwpute 4 o Shop. The! te dett Ave/lino's Aut 字 ee 3 stributlon le butlon ls the an summary, the Polsson dis 呈ty dlstob n summar OP 4 needed to construct a Poiss 4 on aa random variable, desl9! errors, or other r: ellhood t 的 elikeli nedthejkelJncoo 同 on nsurance Company ge 1 polic surar From actuary taples, Washington 2 gten nsurance aty 』 age 25 wi qie within the next year is pay ity they wi 25-year-ojg men this year' whatis the probabilty 3 JjnaPoisson distributionn 三0.4 a. What is the probapility thatx三0 b. What is the probability thatx > 0? 32. 全a Poisson distributionh 二4 a. What is the probapbility thatx 三 2? b. What js the probapbiljty thatx 生 2? f experience, c. What js the probability thatx> 2? m her years ol 還 officer at Coast Bank and Trust. Fro ble to repay 9 inot bea she estimates that the probability is .025 that an applicant wi hs or her jnstajiment loan. Last month she made 40 1 父 What js the probability that three loans will be 和 sfaulted? 紀 What js the probability that at least three loans will be del tthe rate oftwo per Automobijles arrive at the Elkhart exit ofthe Indiana Tol 同 ibution minute. Tne distribution of arrivals approximates a Poisson distri 了人 a.- What is fhe Probabifity that no automopbiles arrive in a particular uiar Pp. what js fhe Propabjlity that at least one automobile arrives during mrnute? 5 站5 estimated that 0.5% ofthe Callers to the Customer Service department of Dell Jnc. wil receive a busy signal. whatis the probability that oftoday's 1,200 callers at reast 5 received a Pbusy signal? 。 生如e past schools jn Los Angeles Couni year for weafher enmergencies. What is 1 Counfy wi close for 4 days next year? 24 ty have closed an average of 3 days each he probability that schools in Los Angeles opapjlity distribution js a !ting apjjty associated wjth each Out( discrete propapjjity distribution can aSsume only certain values. The main features are: _The sum offhes probabilties is 1.00. The probapijlity ofa particular outcome is between 0.00 and 1.00. Jheoutcomes are mutually exclusive. ontinuous djsfribution can assume an jmfnite number ofvalues within a speecsi iean and variance ofa probability distribution are Computed as follows, mean js equalto: Come- ific rang variance js egqual to:

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